Witchie PooPoo

That made me want to hear Boz Scaggs after all these yrs! Sounded great & took me way back to when ya heard this song on the radio a lot. The good ole days for sure.


My comment was about the lawyers changing the house from what it really looked like to something that would sway the jurors - what the lawyer-guy being interviewed was talking about.

That doesn't seem fair does it?

Not a shrink but I would think it would be a buildup of things to make him have that condition. Not all Jimmy either. There's prob resentment from way back. His parents. I bet even in school
He didn't have any friends…

No. I really don't know. I wish I
had looked at that. "Really fast"
was the best I could come up w/ at 21.

Howard is so put together. Even when he's running thru back yards. We had a CEO like that. A joke was we were going to make a wrinkle in his shirt & see him completely lose it. Lol. He was a heck of a good guy. Maybe like Howard in a way. Never ever needed a hair cut - just perfect & shoes shined to a sheen.

They really seem to care very much for each other. That will be the last of Jimmy McGill if she goes away too.

Is this you, lady that worked at Duke Power?! Lol!

Agreed. He lost. Charles McGill doesn't lose cuz he's so much smarter than everyone else. He was so smug. Thought he had the upper hand. I love how Howard played that. Chuck didn't even have Howard anymore.

Ah. Thank you. Finally an honest answer to that long ago question. However this was spinning really really fast. Would that still apply?

Some r saying it was Chuck's imagination the meter was spinning. But I kid u not, when I was in my early 20's our electric bill was outrageous - and we were very conservative about using things. Meaning we were never warm in the winter & not cool enough in the summer. Rarely cooked so ran dishwasher maybe once a wk.

Ah! TY. TY so much!

Before the sentence u type
After u type last sentence u type

That's a forward slash

I've seen it in offices full of just women unfortunately. More than just one.

I think he sounded like a inpatient jerk to Jimmy even when he was reading that story. Maybe it's because I dislike him so much.

Yes. His eyes didn't look quite right.

It looks like everyone is sure Chuck is dead. Idk how a person, any person could stay inside a burning house if there is a way to get out. Even if he started it. It would HURT very very badly. So badly I think the "fight or flight" would kick in. There r less painful ways to commit suicide besides setting yourself on…

Lol! Adjusting each other's ties. I love it!

I agree. Esp w/ the pay so low.