Witchie PooPoo

Yeah. White Matter was really his too in theory - even the name. He should have gone to work there. I don't see why it would be sooo degrading. That decision would have taken care of everything he was supposedly worried about.


Yep. I'm a woman. Working w/ only other women was the pits. Gossip, cattiness. Even my review - not a word about my job performance. Only "u fit in well & you can't wear those shoes to work anymore." Worse job I ever had.

I was absolutely sickened by a special I watched about the OJ Simpson case.

OMG. I just read about him. And he was mentally ill too. Maybe he should have been in a hospital. None of these sadistic guards were punished for this THIS torture of a human being? And some of those in charge got promotions?!? I am sickened.

That plan was executed almost flawlessly. Actually I can't think of a flaw. That was one of my fav eps. Interesting that he could get that medical info. Guess Gus didn't care about HIPPA. Lol. I suppose enough $ can get u anything.

Or go skinny or fat? I'd go the fat way.

Yeah. What's up w/ that? The man could be a millionaire just from the chicken biz. Is the "thrill" of it like it was for Walt? I personally can't think of anything less thrilling.

I agree. I was never sure about Andrea's brother being killed was ordered by him either. But OMG How I hate the drug business that thinks nothing of manipulating a kid to kill & then kill him.

I don't imagine the guy was the sharpest tool in the shed either.

I dislike him so much at this point I'm not even sure I believe he was being genuine. He may have been. But I hate him.

Hey. Just curious. What's it like to live in NM? Is it as beautiful as some of the scenes in BrBa? Is there a large drug presence from the cartel? I've lived up & down the east coast but never been there. It is on my bucket list however. Would love to hear a little about it.

I did too at first.

Hummm. Thank you! I didn't know all that! "They" told me that the opiate & tyneol worked together to relieve pain. When they changed the tyneol to 300 from 500 someone told me the med wouldn't work as well because of the lower dosage. PS: I wish the government would stay out of my doctor's office.

That Walter wouldn't take a job in the company that was partly his in theroy anyway, had excellent health benefits & pay was just incredibly stupid. I don't even see that as overly prideful. He was a jerk. An idiot. But then of course we wouldn't have BrBa.

lol. I remember those lines. I'm on a rewatch right now.

"They" say nobody is completely good or completely bad but I read an article recently there truly are evil ppl walking around.

No. But he sure looks good for an older man. Gives hope to the rest of us. We can still look good, never 20 again but we can still look good if we work at it. But going to the gym a lot - yuch. Guess I'll stay old geezer-looking.

Yep. That happened to me once. Idk if it's done now but the company u wrote the check to that bounced would charge a fee also. It could really add up.

Lol. He looks good. Reminded me of a guy I used to work w/. He was in a suit & tie whenever I saw him & I never looked at him twice.