The math teacher in me is like, reduce your fucking fraction, but the joke part of me is like, yes, go with this.
The math teacher in me is like, reduce your fucking fraction, but the joke part of me is like, yes, go with this.
The American way.
The whole speech is one of the most jingoistic piece of shit I’ve heard in recent history.
In that case, I’ll let him off a bit. Only a bit mind, as many vegans are against the use of cows for farming at all - even if you’re not killing or directly harming the animal, you’re still exploiting it.
I’m just saying that a man like that — who clicks over to a feminist website, ingratiates himself to the commentariat w/ proofs of pious intention, registers his questions in an effacing, apologetic tone & then engages at length without bailing at the first excuse to take offense ... is a rare kind of a man. It’s nice…
I expect the best from men too, unfortunately knowing full well there are too many dipshits out there. My wife and two little girls do as well- I teach the kids that for when they get older.
This dude is bending over backwards to please the commentariat on here, while supporting feminist causes, and still gets spoken down to like he is a child. Just wow. SMH.
I come from a dairy farming family - my grandparents milked 40 cows who all had names and got plenty of attention - so I’m hard wired to explain the process to people who have concerns. I can’t help it. I’ll also say that having experienced life on a small dairy, I can’t help but cringe when I drive by a 5000 cow…
I’m not a vegetarian but try to cut down on all cow products since cows are terrible for the environment.
Where, exactly, did he think the placenta came from? Your friend is clearly an idiot. And not a vegan.
That’s not the explanation though. The explanation is presumably that the placenta comes from your own body and isn’t produced through breeding/torturing/slaughtering a sentient being. I’m not entirely sure it can be considered sustainable to have children anymore, at least in this part of the world, but for the…
Veganism means not consuming any products of animal suffering. Oral sex produces products of animal pleasure, therefore it’s not at all against vegan values.
My girlfriend has a strong opinion on this. The cows are inseminated to produce milk and inseminated again so that they constantly produce milk. Like, they’re kept pregnant their entire lives so the teets don’t run dry.
I don’t know anything about the dude you’re talking about, but every vegan on earth has heard the “LOL oral sex isn’t vegan!” taunt a million times before. For those of us who are women, we generally get an even more annoying variation along the lines of “Damn, you’re vegan? I was sure I was going to get you to do…
True. Goes along with the philosophy sometimes called “freeganism”: eating non-vegan items out of the trash, basically, to reduce waste and not contribute to the meat industry. I don’t see a problem with it, except that it invites vegetarian-haters to pop in and accuse you (and implicitly all vegetarians) of being a…
<puts on flame-retardant clothing>
I honestly don’t get the Jonathan Chait hate. Yes, he was in favor of the Iraq War. Certainly worthy of ridicule. But that was 15 years ago! So were lots of other center-left pundits who are subjected to far less internet ridicule 15 years later.
If Jonathan Chait wanted an anti-Trump march with another name, he should have started one on his own. If he’s going to let other people do all the work, he can shut up about the name.
How? Their arms aren’t wrapped around him. #51 has his arms tucked perfectly inside. That’s exactly how you’re taught and no ref would ever call it because 1) if he’s holding, you can’t see it and 2) where the fuck else is a linemen supposed to put his hands during run blocking?
High football IQ.