
Nothing wrong with crying or masturbating. :)

Yep. The response to Chait on this is: Organize it.

I see this point but I also can see Chait’s point that a unified movement against Trump could be incredibly potent. For example, will BLM be at the the Women’s March? I hope so. But I could also see them sort of hanging back to not steal any thunder. An anti-Trump march—themed as such— allows for all movements to come

Let’s make sure we expect more from white women, too, as they went for Trump in disturbingly yuge numbers.

Exactly. The most irritating thing to me post-election was the ivory tower leftish intellectuals on twitter just piling on to Obama. Almost gleeful in their scrambling to laugh and mock at his legacy now that Clinton lost. Circular firing squads still abound.

I actually appreciated your post as I think a lot of us feel similarly.

I’ll chime in: Short answer: Yes. When I’ve gone to gay parades as a straight dude, I’ve sometimes wondered if I should be there. Not from any vibe being put out by the paradees, just from my own worry that I seem like a voyeur or tourist rather than a supporter.

People tend to become vegans for some versions of these few overlapping reasons. 1. They feel like hypocrites for eating animal products when they themselves couldn’t/wouldn’t kill or take from the animals; 2. they can’t stand the thought of the cruelty of the meat industries; 3. they recognize the well-documented

Sorry but you’re drunk angry tauntee is in the right on this one. Consensual oral sex (on another human, mind you) is vegan as fuck.


She’s never smelled a dead, rotting dolphin. That’s no joke. A few midwives I know have said that it’s actually not to bad. Some even prepare the placenta by converting it into pills that the mother can take. I have zero idea why people feel the need to act like this is all so weird.

Placebo works, yo.

I’m kind of this mindset, too. However, the counter argument is that it lessens the penalty for the mistake. Some vegans/vegetarians will never do this because they’ve heard people at later points say, “Well you’ll eat it if I make too much, right?” Which leads to potentially even more animal harm.

The answer is both No and Yes. The placenta is an animal product, so it ain’t a vegetable. But, as getting consent to be consumed is impossible from other animals—a prime objection of vegetarians who avoid things like eggs and dairy—eating the placenta that you or your partner produced can most definitely be

Great route runner. Blue collar. Brings his lunch pail. Team guy.

QB, definitely. Too much talent on defense this year. Though I also think that were he white, he’d probably be top 3 NFL prospect as well.

Not disagreeing, but I do think that if he were white, he’d be the easy heir apparent to Luck as far and away the best QB in the land. He’s a better passer than Tebow and helped build up a team that used to be a pretty far cry from Texas (Young) or Auburn (Newton).

Gritty, gutty, gym rat with great field sense. Hustle player. Coach on the field.

I’ll be that guy: Is there any doubt that if Watson were white, he’d be the far and away #1 college QB in recent memory?

Actually, no. You said that those were reasons to no present evidence without allowing that Sohrab’s notions might also be true.