
Cowboy Bebop is my favorite TV show, full stop. One of the reasons is how they handle structure. The entire show takes place in between the worst of things and the resolution of those things. Further, we get very little of what actually happened. We just learn about the character’s personalities and infer the story

Cowboy Bebop is my favorite TV show, full stop. One of the reasons is how they handle structure. The entire show

Be warned, this is the dub. Which is fabulous. But if you’re looking for the sub, this isn’t that.

Be warned, this is the dub. Which is fabulous. But if you’re looking for the sub, this isn’t that.

The X-gene.

Eh, it is close enough to be within the margarine of error

Their consciousnesses is still running and the little computers are next to each other in the facility. It’s a literal happily ever after.

In the superhero department there’s Wiccan and Hulkling. The former is the reincarnation of a baby who’s parents were a robot and a Mutant sorceress that was magiced into exsistance by his mother using the soul fragment of a demon and the latter is a half human and half alien shapeshifter.

I just watched The Handmaiden this weekend. It works much, MUCH better as an emotionally involving romance than Blue is the Warmest Colour, which it seems fair to compare it to since they were long, arty lesbian romances with incredibly explicit sex that came out at about the same time. The leads are so great!!

If we’re including TV shows, I would like to nominate Hernando and Lido as well as Nomi and Amanita of Sense8.

You got a couple notions I take issue with here. One being the idea that homosexuality is trendy or popular right now, in a way that likens it to pop culture ephemera. The difference between homosexuality and the Kardashians is that it’s not a trend, it’s an identity, just like being straight is. Would you consider it

Easily best video game smooch I’ve seen. Successfully crossed the uncanny vally and was very sweet.

One day I hope we can get two guys kissing with the frequency of lesbians in gaming. Every industry loves their lesbians kissing, still squeamish about their gays. Tho the recent Star Trek Discovery has been pretty good about it.

Are you fucking serious?

There are hundreds of thousands of people, at minimum, in the world of The Last of Us, and they have problems with overpopulation in their crowded fortress towns. If there’s any time or place where being gay would be absolutely OK in terms of societal logistics, it’s there.

People freaking out over Last of Us 2 amuses me...like did you play the fucking DLC?

“I can’t even escape SJW virtue signaling in games anymore. They destroyed television, movies and are now moving to games.”

It’s been known since the DLC from the first game though, this isn’t some revolution that’s happening tonight.

I am loving it, but for a completely different reason. The moment I saw this I was like “would they? WOULD THEY?” and YES!! Gamefaqs is already well on its way with people crying salty salty tears over Naughty Dog making Elly a lesbian. THEY DESTROYED THE GAME, they say. I AM GOING TO DELETE THE ORIGINAL GAME, they

I really don’t feel that way. To me, they’re stylized enough to not be in the uncanny valley.