
I can’t help wondering if the reviewer is unaware that Nathan Fielder himself is deploying a persona? These reviews make a lot more sense if taken from the perspective that “Nathan Fielder is reacting authentically and is not involved in constructing the storylines and that this is just a show about the rehearsals”.

You didn't have to write that many words to say "I hate trans people"

So, just to be clear, in your mind mildly inconveniencing a millionaire is an unforgivable act of evil cancel culture, but firing dozens of working class people for having the wrong opinion is just fine? We got that right?

I feel like we’re only a few months away from Dave getting up on stage and ranting about “transgender space lasers.”

Now we’ll never get answers to such burning questions as, “What the hell is going on?” and “Why the fuck should anyone care?”

Daily Beast says immediately after the attack, Chappelle made a joke of his own, reportedly saying the assailant was a “trans man”

Frankly, I expect better from a member of the 19th century Wisconsin State Senate.

I see I mistakenly credited the Tusken tribes’ murder to Bane instead of the Pyke Syndicate. I apologize for the screw-up. It was my blunder and I have been fired for it.

It really is shit, lol. This episode was high-stakes for everyone, but it’s still just recycled “dime novel” stuff. People don’t know because they have never read Henry James or Edith Wharton.

I don’t think anybody ever claimed that getting vaccinated would mean you couldn’t catch or spread COVID, just that it reduced the likelihood dramatically, which is still true. I don’t think any experts have ever said straight up that cloth masks don’t work, just that they’re not as effective as N95's, which is still

This seems like it could be amazing or insufferable, with absolutely no middle ground.

“...an infinite number of Lee Paces”

You sound as non-sensical as Carano herself.

Do take note that among all the demands, removing the special IS NOT ONE OF THEM.  This isn't censorship and I feel the demands are more then reasonable.  Will people react like that?  Judging by the fact Twitter is comparing this walkout to Cuties I can safely say people are being fucking idiots.

One time my Dad wrote and tweeted a slightly amusing, very obvious joke about a current event on a Wednesday, then on Friday nights sent me a video of the exact same joke almost word for word on Bill Maher’s monologue. I’m not accusing Real Time of stealing my Dad’s joke, I’m saying the comedy writing on that show is

Surprised to see no mention of Lange. Honestly one of the best performances I think I’ve ever seen, and only got better over the course of the season, leading up to a wonderfully pathetic performance in the finale.

You mention the plaid boxers but neglect to point out how, in a true display of ultimate dad energy, they were pulled up well over his belly button.

So you could say that his behaviour was...

Yes G/O Media, I am definitely going to click through 22 slides in order to read “we don’t know who is coming back to SNL next season.

So it’s just Jean Smart falling over drunk and Kate Winslet slamming hoagies?