
That one scene and the subsequent one flipped the entire trajectory of the show. As Ines pointed, this destroys any chance of a June redemption arc and it’s now becoming Breaking Bad for her basically. Like you said, I understand why, but its a tough choice for the overall enjoyment of the show. It seems difficult to

I feel like John Wick has infected 80% of the movies in production.

Gamble, gamble, gamble, gamble, die.”

To remove a video from your YouTube watch history:


Character actor Margo Martindale has got some (what we call in Australia) tuck shop lady arms going and hasn’t caused a stir.

I don’t know why these days everyone seems to be opposed to recasting roles.  I’m not an idiot, my mind won’t melt down trying to process everyone calling some new lady Cara Dune.

*huge manatee

You know what would make a great superhero show for Amazon? A live-action version of The Tick.

Though I’m aware of how this sounds, I say completely without sarcasm I’m glad there’s always some nerd around to deep-dive explain stuff like this

His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...

Now playing

They also dropped the ball in that they gave Esposito a nomination for best supporting actor for BCS when it should have gone to Tony Dalton for his performance as Lalo Salamanca. Talk about an actor that steals the show.

I was going to be upset if they had to recast Amos. Alex can stay or go.

Apparently you needed the /s at the bottom. The ‘somehow’ wasn’t strong enough of a give-away for most.

This is incorrect. He’s funny and good

I think I can sum up these reviews by pointing out all the verbage given to Chloe’s Brittney and Phoebe and one line for Melissa Villaseñor’s Mulaney. These review fixate. The better stuff is just mentioned offhandedly in passing if at all. I can get why they show never gets a great review, you just don’t enjoy the

we all are technically

Granted, it’s a tough show to evaluate on an episode by episode basis, but Zack doesn’t seem to be interested in the show they’re making and is instead fixated on a completely different show that he’d like it to be.
They’ve been dropping breadcrumbs all season that this “perfect” picture of humanity is fallible and

We have reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us.