
Gah, also should have mentioned I have not seen this week’s episode yet, so maybe this theory looks super-dumb in relation to something that happens in it.

Theory: Sage has never been on Homelander’s side. I don’t think she has ever said anything to suggest she agrees with his ideas, maybe figured she needed to accept the job offer and play along so she would be in position to betray him eventually and decisively, and it would explain why she is possibly covering for

just checking into the comments to make sure luke was getting sufficiently nutpunched

first name for recasting that popped into my head was Rory McCann

*dons asbestos hoodie*

libertarianism has been ruined by idiots calling themselves libertarian

humble suggestion: settle on one spelling of Levi, preferably the correct one

:jackass intro theme music:

(Axe Woves is there, somehow surviving the crash)“

Re: Harper, I think she is stunned and paralyzed at her paranoia seemingly suddenly being confirmed. Her previous confidence in the relationship was a mask and now it has crumbled and her emotions are in a knot; She is gripped with doubt. That is what I got out of Plaza’s performance anyway.

I don’t know how Laszlo doesn’t think Baby Colin is pure energy vampire already”

this is the dumbest show i am addicted to

i tried yelling “chair” at my co-workers and they just stared back at me

right, trans people never get attacked

you do realize feedback dave gets from the public is likely more familiar to you than the feedback non-famous trans folks endure and is perhaps biasing your assessment of victimhood?

why isn’t he trying out some pedophilia jokes

a lot like FX’s Louie but without a chronic predatory public masturbator running it (don’t you dare milkshake duck on us, Donald!)

Her face was too round.”

i very often agree with AV Club appraisals of films and TV, but not on this show (and most of Dennis Perkins’ SNL recaps)

My Dinner with Hobbs