Wire's Greatest Hits!

Good thing I scrolled down. Was going to say, as well, that many of these were post-Reconstruction efforts at making Jim Crow as pervasive as possible during the early/mid 20th Century. These topplings ain't historical erasure, just the tide going back the right way in the way we remember history.

Man, a full green DOT tested helmet AND animation work, that would have cost hundreds of dollars!

Maybe the update was made later, but she wasn't wearing a helmet - for continuity's sake. Jesus. I never ride without a helmet, and only rarely without an armored jacket. Kinda pisses me off that she might have lived if not for 'the need to get the shot' and the dumbass persistence of thinking riding without a helmet

Expect any DOJ investigation into Charlottesville, even if nominally invoked to investigate white supremacist groups, to also be used to gather intelligence on leftist and red/black flag groups.

Madness. Well, not really madness, but a bad idea. We saw presidents like W basically win reelection because of the false common sense that you don't change presidents in the middle of a war. There are several ways for institutions to characterize it as essential or patriotic to stick with an executive over the fear

You think he's going to tweet childish threats anywhere near Washington 'nuclear target #1' DC?

Every second syllable that comes out of his mouth is a threat, though. I'm finding it hard to take anything he says seriously, and if Kim has a decent translator, he should also know that Trump has no plan behind the bellicose ramblings that tumble out of his mouth.

Canoe Crusader, Canuck in a Canoe, Klu Klux Kanoe… should I go on?

Only when the collection is on loan from the GWB presidential library.

The man is obese, is why. He's trying to trick the observer into thinking he's a solid, blocky mass and not a Harkonen blob.

Soaked, as in many of their families can afford the outrageous cost of obtaining an American degree as a status symbol. Many of them deserve to be milked, but it gave me no satisfaction that most admins will funnel that money to campus expansions rather than mentoring and tutoring so that they could transform their

Don't forget never knowing when a Sandinista was going to walk down your street with a trade union warrant looking for your baby's blood!

How about some sort of farm where puppies can play and mill about… I've got it, a 'puppy mill'.

It isn't a reworking of the entire orthography. It only applies to third person plural nouns. No one is advocating that nouns denoting chairs and rocks be gender neutral. Quite a short row to hoe.

You may find that your Intro to Spanish class didn't teach you everything about how Spanish is used in the written, informal world.

There we go, this dude summed it up. It's a typographical convention that has been in use for some time as the Internet and social media has penetrated South and Central America and Mexico, driven by people from those places. Now that it is leaping over to US media, Americans are taking this bizarre default position

In English, though. Unless you're being willfully obtuse for comic effect. If so, I see what you did there.

Vocalize, no. But it is much easier/faster to say both genders of the noun than it is to type them. Having lived in Mexico for a few years, I can attest that the use of 'x' or '@' at the end of gendered nouns to refer to groups of people (chic@s, muchach@s, etc.) is widespread for the dual purpose of brevity and

Never been to Latin America, eh?

Well, hopefully if he creates an ice dragon he'll fare about as well flying that thing as he did flying in planes in his first life.