Wire's Greatest Hits!

Spoiler: Dirk Diggler goes full monty and is packing a comically small penis.

Better grab a shovel.

I'm sure Barron could cyber his way onto Silk Road and sell himself to all kinds of Eastern Europeans if he really wanted to.

Woulda made more 'sense' if he married AJ and took the Soprano name to avoid the dreaded 'Anthony Anthony'.

He's like a shit Malcolm Tucker

Their arguments equated trans people with child molesters, or that child molesters would use unisex bathrooms to molest people under the excuse of being trans to gain access to bathrooms. As if bathroom laws nullify the laws against raping people. I think they imagined some vicious horde of child rapists that was only

What happens to the healthcare job security after all the boomers finally do the world some good and die already?

Question: Is Hitler less beloved than Kato Kaelin?

The Pope doesn't need earthly reassurances. He already knows he can dance.

What about Flynn? Oh wait, that was, 'So You Think You Can Furtively Be An Erdogan Influence Peddler'.

Oh god, I thought I was the only one who half remembered seanbaby

Buh buh buh buh bu Bain Capital

In my macabre appreciation for the comic absurdity of this administration, I actually enjoyed watching his conferences during my lunch break. His daily performances were the perfect artistic representation of the over sheltered incompetence and loud stupidity of everyone in the exec branch.

I don't hang out in Catholic circles much, but I can imagine the backflips conservative Catholics are doing to reason out a Gingrich being sent as ambassador to the Vatican.

You must be a west Lafayette type. Round here we call it the 'pruned thumb'.

And then a masked vigilante who is all of these things


I know you're just punning around, but I'm interested in the incentive, and, conversely, the amount of virtual terror that the AI felt while falling endlessly into those blue phantasm voids.

You're near impossible to have a constructive argument with. A few things- 1) 'nonparticipation' is not the same thing as dissent or disenfranchisement, and 2) your failure to see why people would choose not to vote, be apathetic, or choose a third party vote as protest is troubling. Are you just incredibly dense?

Goddamn, you are just missing the point of my argument to the extent that you are rephrasing some of my sentiments in your response. When did I say I didn't vote? When did I say that I don't participate in local activism and politics? The whole point of this argument was about you shitting on people on the left for