Wire's Greatest Hits!

'Add cat rapist to the rap sheet, Sarge.'

It is grotesquely fascinating the speed at which PR teams start revising recorded history once something goes toxically viral. Did Trump do this or is it that someone as jarringly stupid and shortsighted as Trump could thrive only in this present.

Don't scold someone for expressing a mild opinion.

I'm on to you. A real Trump loyalist would never use a ten-dollar word like 'perfidious'. We got us an interloper here.

I can't wait for a renewed wave of people claiming protests are hinderances of free speech.

It's well known that the Bilderberg group operates a large Van de Graaff generator at the South Pole. If he dies in a lightning strike, we'll know who the real culprits are.

I really don't think we should or need to determine which is worse. Leave that to the historians of 15 years from now. It is nearly pointless to be trying to differentiate between two different shades of piss, especially when we are only just beginning to see the first steps of this administration's disastrous policy

And you will always fail to understand. The thing that fucked us was people like you thinking one vote every four years is the only expression of political activism we have. If we derailed over one election, we weren't on a very sustainable track to begin with.

It is indeed good news. Too bad Al isn't here to see it himself, having blown his brains out in the late 80s when people stopped buying his records.

You have no idea what I stand to lose or gain from a Trump administration. Think on how little you know before the next time you try to shame someone for exercising their right to dissent. Also think on how much Dems stand to gain by this type of un-self reflective badgering of the left.

Yes, yes straw man your way out of having to acknowledge the failures of the Hillary campaign. Keep chasing those phantom excuses and assuming you know and understand the electorate. It's always the faceless leftist spoiler voters, never the campaign's failure to inspire higher turnout among moderates or progressives.

You've been listening to too much Brian Jones

I blame 311

Subterranean Homesick Orange?

Hold on, pal. Don't get too crazy with the cheeze whiz

Im sure they all get hard thinking about Buford Pusser's big stick.

Woah woah woaaah there, buddy. You're sounding awfully agitated and violent.

"Hello climate scientists, don't get all HOT under the collar… just because I'm crushing your heads *kshh* *kshh*"

Post-diluvian hunger pangs are why we lost such breeds as the dragondoodle and the unicorgie.

Part of the… not quite 'humorous' aspect of using the massively played out 'Chinese people eat dogs' is because you're also pointing out and making fun of the (1) popular American ignorance of cultures outside of the US, and (2) the insanely US-centric concept of what the dog/human relationship should be. Plenty of