Wire's Greatest Hits!

They'll never take away our irrational fear of the 'scheming Chinese'.

I see what you did there.

More like Obesity FatStore… y, amirite??

Separate joke

Don't conflate the loss of Ossoff with some sort of bellweather for how less conservative districts will vote in two and four years. Also, stop blaming the left that actively used their right to cast a blank vote in protest rather than those who chose to actively vote for Trump. Building political power isn't about

Eh, their joint financials are probably a mess. I'm wondering at what point in my life I'll be willing to go along with things I hate in a relationship just to avoid having to change banks.

He could send the guy pics of his BMs and tell his husband to let the guy know it's just how he gets off and to feign being into it. If you replace the subject of the text with anything else the recipient has no interest in seeing, it immediately becomes weird and something you would avoid doing.

Kansas would seem to be a target, at least for state legislature posts. The massive financial troubles and austerity the current governor has put upon the state seems like fertile ground for electoral battles, more fertile than in a relatively wealthy district where voters will likely do well no matter who is in the

Because the current mainline Dem platform is just a few shades different than that of the establishment Repubs. They're comfortable playing up superficial resistance to the neofascistic tendencies of Trumpism, while being obstinate about their belief in the value of the underlying neoliberal project that led us here.

You really think Jon Ossoff was going to be the shining beacon of hope for a resurgent Democratic Party? Jon Ossoff? Waste of money and continuation of terrible Dem priorities.

There are enough suburbanites who care more about a fat tax cut than anything else, yes.

No wonder the author can't handle seeing graphical representations of data. Can't even get a calendar date correct. Or am I missing something here?

Seriously. Even if you make the concession that this is not an outhouse, but a biodigester, those have been around forever. Same with composting toilets. Go do the Peace Corps, Internet.

Goddamn internet, welcome to decades ago in international development and the promotion of biodigesters.

Well then, finely tuned machine indeed.

Wait, so they offered her the job before moving Spicer?

"Sarah. Sarah. Sarah! Where are you going?! The question was about Iran sanctions!"

*brother-dad* killed a dog, you mean.

You mean boyhood crush from ages 11-13 and 14-17 Gates McFadden? Stop killing my dreams, Spicer!

Are you implying that they will import a seamstress from one of Ivanka's sweatshops?