Wire's Greatest Hits!

Currently listening to the screams as Kinja stalks the halls murdering my family. Why was this feature a mile down the homepage sandwiched between old spice commercials and articles from kotaku? You may as well just stop asking us what we’re listening to, but I’ll throw my two bits into the snowstorm while I’m here-

I wonder if Kinja can improve my workflow of aggregating all of the deep burns being posted about the horrendous formatting and comment system being imposed here. Why is a 3rd of my screen white space? Why is there a third party extension needed to make the underlying platform usable? Does the rest of the Internet

Nope. Trapped forever in the White Dungeon. This platform is like looking at a poorly formatted freshman midterm in a goddamn blizzard. Can’t even use the third party extension that salvages this turd because I only visit this site from home on iOS.

Asked this... upthread... upwhitespace... anyway, does the chrome plugin work on chrome for iPad? I don’t usually use chrome, but this thread style is garbage. Pretty sure extensions don’t work on mobile though, right? Short story shorter, see you in hell KinjAV Club(?)

Does this work for Chrome mobile. I don’t use chrome much, and can’t seem to find where you actually implement the extension in chrome. It just says “added to desktop”. I want to hope that doesn’t mean extensions are only available with chrome desktop OS versions.

Frank Reynolds was so full of hope before he started hanging out under bridges.

Yeah, just pull a planet of the apes style mounted netting of one of the wights and leave, ya dummies.

And curiously use the moment to promote their more agreeable products. "Have you seen 12 Years A Slave, out on bluray now from 20th Century Fox."

Promo about what? American Express?

Warsaw, though, it's a toss up.

Hey, you get one U2 album forcibly loaded onto your iPod, you get one forcibly deleted. Fair trade.

too lazy to think of a good one, but- joke about missing links, intelligent design, and motorcycle chains…

Sounds kind of like the same twisted logic like that found in the Proslogion. God exists because you can imagine an almighty god existing, God's plan is for the best because god's plan needs to be designed for the best result. Both of these only work if you're trying to calm the nervous devout. They never prove a

Please. He's got the will. Besides, he only needed six steps to create th universe. You think he needs 12 to quit the drink?

The only cd in my car for about a month was 'Fear'. What's a Cale tear look like in your world, i.e., what would be the album you get stuck on?

He knows He never should have let his son go live with his ex, no need to send him into another depression spiral with that kind of talk.

Have you ever considered that maybe that cancer cell was really down on his luck and God threw him a bone? Or that a funeral director was about to go belly up until rich aunt Janice's spendthrift nephew couldn't be bothered to shop around for caskets?

Have you met Old Testament God? That guy was all about capricious demands, all night ragers, and genocides. It was only when he had a kid that he stopped drinking, sold his Harley, and mellowed out.

He sure would, but in the back of his mind he'd still be constructing a nationwide version of his terrible governorship, and have the broad GOP support to put it into practice. I prefer the stagnant fuckup that is the current administration. At least this one lays bare the consequences of a conservative social agenda.

You really messed up, though, when you took a dump on the floor on your way out.