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More words do not make your posts more intelligible. And condescension only works if you're in a superior position. The original response I gave was working with what you put on the page. If I didn't accurately infer what you meant and it led to this cascading, inconsequential argument- so be it. I withdraw all of of

This is what you get when you cut funding to the arts. Kids running around toting machine guns and not knowin about tragic flaws!

I'm saying your posts are unintelligible.

I think you've done pretty well channeling and ejaculating the written response of a crackpot without any psychic abilities at all.

Probably not, but we'll be damned if we don't try to fit that square peg in a round hole.

Talking about crackpots, then buying into the 'Russia was fully to blame for the Dem loss' narrative… Tell me more about how it's the Bernie supporters who should be in the psych ward.

That places you squarely within the 'reasonable sweet spot' that is seen as just too lame to make the news.

How can you not see this in the context where people can be unsympathetic? No sane person condones or takes glee in gun violence, but no sane person on the left would bend over backwards to lionize this particular rep as a tragic victim. He even had the added safeguard of Capitol police bodyguards, something the rest

'Listen people, I whanged my hip on the doorknob on my way into the Men's Wearhouse, okay?! Stop acting so concerned.'

So, is Infinity War the last one? Please tell me we're almost to the end of this superhero garbage.

Thanks for the clarification. Maduro, especially has kind of shit the bed. Hard not to when oil prices are in the hole. But I'm always interested in what specifically makes people take an anti Chavez position as default when, at least from an outside perspective, his time in power saw at least some benefits for

Well, in defense of the shithead, when you call Chavez an out and out dictator- that's a position mainly taken by neolibs who overlook the countless right wing dictators and neoliberal economic policies that have provided the backdrop for most of the South American troubles. While Chavez is a mixed bag, rejecting

Not Tequila, though. The apex of the vitamin T pyramid. But, yeah NAFTA screws over small holding corn farmers all over Mexico and is pretty much killing off criollo maize varieties.

I was born in Oklahoma and had never heard of elotes until I was actually living in Mexico. I think especially if the neighborhoods of a city are separated along ethnic lines, and there's not much foot traffic between, something like elotes can exist without being known in many places.

I think Mexico gets much of its sweet corn for elotes from the US because of NAFTA now. This might just be steet jabber though.

Wrong again. Trump's EPA political appointees would never claim to know anything about science.

Unfair of him to roll himself out as an example of an animal-human hybrid. It's impossible to prove he's anything other than an echidna-pig-boy.

More of a Blackadder than a Richard III in my opinion.

It's the goddamn Woodlands. Always the petroleum geologists in the Woodlands. I don't even know if that's actually in Harris, but it's always the Woodlands.

Nah man, didn't you hear? Texas is gonna flip blue in 2016! What a glorious year 2016 will be!