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I love how you get jumped on for not having your level of chat forum outrage oriented and escalated to the exact degree of those heroes of journalism, the soft left comedian late night show hosts.

The thing is, I can get angry about the cold facts all by myself. It's why I stopped watching Oliver. No new information, just another hour of being whipped into anger, but with frighteningly little actual thinking necessary on my part.

Same here. The term 'life hack' is used in my house to denote reinventing the wheel activities done by post 90s millennials who never learned how to be an adult. Something like, 'life hack: you can take your lunch to work to save money and cut down on your Chipotle intake.'

It worked for the Huckabees and Romneys.

Just looked up her film credits to see what she had done before Mummy. I could have sworn Chain Reaction with Keanu and Morgan Freeman was a fever dream from my childhood until seeing her name just now in the movie's cast list.

Probably just gonna keep listening to this Priests album. Ain't got enough money for new music every week since I started actually buying most of my music.

Give us this day our daily thread

Oh my bad, just looked at Kalanick's Wikipedia page and it says he beat his father to death for failure to yield when entering a roundabout on a Segway.

This hardly deserves description as 'anecdote', and even less so as 'bizarre', and in almost no way 'the most Oedipal thing ever.'

I visited the UP last year and was all excited to try a pastie, and of all the variations on the Cornish pasty I've had (argentine empanadas, Mexican pastes, etc.) the UP pasty is the least likely to ever get a repeat buy.

When you're 'rich' skipping out on the check isn't a dine and dash, it's tactical brilliance and businessman cunning.

Nah, he'd shit his pants with confusion and the two militaristic factions in the White House would argue about how to respond until some eventual, shambling response is hailed as glorious and heroic by his team of PR sycophants.

Do it tomorrow. I'll wait here for your report.

As someone with a BS in geology, I've read some of his papers on a lark. They're pure gibberish. It's fascinating the lengths to which he goes to ignore many foundational principles of physical and sedimentary geology.


Buh buh buh the podracing! Also, Episode I gave us the gifted actor Jake Lloyd.

It's a CRAP!
— Proctologist Ackbar

I could see it in her eyes/ I only had a Corona/ Five cent deposit

Flawless argument. I'd place Kushner's handsome score somewhere between 'French green bean' and 'that guy that used to work at REI'.

Pssssh. Who needs Russian mob money when you can rig federal loan programs to divert money away from low income neighborhoods and towards your luxury real estate developments?