Wire's Greatest Hits!

Maybe a Careful What You Wish-for Fulfillment Fantasy.

I've found it in Denver. Not too expensive for an import as well. I've bought 12s of the bottles a few times, but my friends- rightfully in such a good-beer surplus town- dislike it, so I end up drinking the whole box alone like the saddest Poblano on payday.

Victoria or go home. Bohemia is pretty good, but the article sums it up nicely in that most Mexican beers taste the same and it's mostly about brand or label loyalty.

You can mix it up with Cavern by Liquid Liquid for a cool down on Sunday

Let the knee-jerk flack roll in. Seriously people, the Washington Post is turning into about 80 percent garbage and the online edition is mostly click bait during the day.

I felt pretty sorry for him. His relationship with Trump fits more the shape of 'new step-dad abuses youngest child' than it does that of Spicer as some sort of Goebbels. Pope denial was comparable to making Spicer get out of the car and walk beside it on the way home.

The crowd says… "meh"

I would, but I just accepted my admission to Gudger College.

They sort of did say that. When the androids were talking, it was said that David upset many people because of his verisimilitude and ability to be creative and spontaneous - with the implication, or the perceived implication, that such a being could subvert the desire of its creators. So, all later models were made

There's still people named Tennessee. Or, even, there's still a State of Tennessee. So I'm pretty optimistic about Americana's staying power in the Alien universe.

You think Carter Page doesn't have money? Hasn't he been raking in lobbyist money from despots since the 80s with Roger Stone?

The mad style was overshadowed by the establishment of the house minority drone swarm.

Nothing's gonna happen about the Turkish goons. In case you missed it the press conference with Trump and Erdogan was full of congratulatory ego boosts from Erdogan about Trump's historic victory and such. The pres has got to keep his circle of sycophantic authoritarians in good health and humor cause he's got nothing

He crossed the aisle on the CRA repeal of the fugitive methane rules. That's the most recent thing I can think of. But goddamn, that's the least you can do to show you don't have a boner for regulatory capture. Liberals cling to the idea because most liberals still believe in this false idea that the GOP has been

I wonder if McCain personally harbors the feeling of a self-made man with regard to torture. Like he bootstrapped his way through the torture through sheer Calvinist virtue and anyone who has a mental break during torture was evidently a sinful and bad person in other areas of their life. The crucible of torture

That's a strange limitation of the conversation.

I assumed they were covering it because of its pop culture connections. All other outlets were providing updates even when there was no new information.

J.D. Power award for Best Premature Ejaculation

Section 60.564c Billy bush has the potential to be a decent human being, where 'potential' and 'decent' are defined in section 60.574c of this subpart.
(h) decent means does not cause a personal increase in ire in those around you.
(u) potential means snowballs chance in hell, get outta my face jabroni.

What the hell is wrong with a foot pedal latch mechanism?