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Nah, white parents had a thing for boys named Chris about 30 years ago. And Matt.

Shocked when they found out most liberals are neoliberal and that neoliberal isn't a synonym for 'millennial'

Are there no statewide bulletins for missing people? No one reported that their missing friend went away for the weekend upstate with this new girlfriend? Didn't notice the family friends suddenly acquiring a retinue of African Americans. I think it's a little side story that I wouldn't mind indulging in. This rural

Not what I'm saying. Most people seeing the movie are at the least inclined to see the police as institutionally and particularly racist. It uses that to hide the more immediate violence intended from the family in that we don't question Allison Williams' avoidance of a paper trail being created because we are too

He may have been racist, may not have been. But, at that point in the movie a racist police is what you expect, making Allison Williams' combativeness with him seem like the behavior of some 'woke' white person, not the shady avoidance of a paper trail that it actually was. The audience is then almost forced to look

*waits by phone for assault apologist tweet from president*

Excited? Heart racing? As you pressed the pillow tighter over his nose and mouth and the brief twitch and struggle in his body fled away just as quickly as it had come?

I dunno… Quakers?

Oh god, not another PWR BTTM article.

Both calls for him to be fired are based on being politically screwed over, the difference is that only one party actually had the means to follow through on that animosity. You can only act out an abuse of power when you in fact have the power to abuse. It's a false equivalency to point to Democrat annoyance with

It's not a pursuit of impartiality. It's Zucker not giving a shit about good journalism and instead chasing the next page-view generator. Surrogates are only sources of obfuscation these days, the surrogates have obliquely admitted as much. If they wanted impartiality or to be anything more than entertainment news,

Because a metallic tie tack or clip would draw the eye to his fat gut. I may be mistaken, but I've never seen him with his suit jacket buttoned, which would also accentuate the utter mess of his midsection.

In short, Nixon is a land of contrasts.

Yeah, but that's a sticky one, because losing economic prospects in America is easily sublimated into 'cultural anxiety'. It's what you get when neoliberalism has utterly destroyed class consciousness in the working class.

You don't want your doctor to feel like he's been pressed into service, do you? Make it fun for him. Take the OR out to a park near a good grill-out, let him get some ribs while he's cracking that beer, and you, open.

Everything is worth your time when you're SUPER WASTED!

It's worse in that cinco de mayo is something only Poblanos really give a shit about. They'll probably give it a pass on saying how much they love
Mexicans on the 16th of September thinking they already handled it in May.

The thing about the UT shooting though is there can be an argument made for the shooter being mostly an aberration and the product of poor mental health diagnoses. Guy was considered a stand-up guy by almost everyone, went to psyches feeling he was losing control of his mind and actions, nothing was done. Then the

I'm surprised they made it this long in life, then. Consider yourself absolved. They weren't meant for this world.

I watched much of it on a rainy day. I don't think the plan for the character was to 'show em'. After all the show focuses more on how the suicidal character just wanted things to end, the grief afflicted on those around the victim, and the permanency of death. That and the cold depiction of the suicide itself