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Well, I think the devastating actions were more the sexual assault and slut shaming. So just don't do those things at least.

Depends on the state. Either lead, or bust up a labor union.

Indeed. That and campaign finance reform and term limits. Good luck getting Congress to limit their own powers.

You'll have to get a bronze star and die in operation Korean Firestorm for that one.

Well, these are just the initial prices. In short order, competition in a properly unrestrained market will deliver quality caskets and mausoleums at 18 month payment plans that will provide access to a dignified repose for all honest, hardworking Americans.

I remember other people thinking and saying that. I remember farting next to those people's table while walking by and leaving the room.

You're talking about the gonads, right?

Much of the repeal successes have been due to the unique situation in all branches where the CRA is a viable mechanism. I wouldn't count on that being the case every presidential transition.

At least wait for the CBO score to come out next week and shit the bed before you hyperventilate over the bill passing the House with almost no moderate GOP support.

You think it's the Right that finds Obama's glad handing with the finance and banking industries as disappointing?

You're crazy. You might have more ammo for that argument in two years, but right now your characterization of trump is a bit of an overreach. I never thought I would see someone argue that the son of a former president, and the master of foolhardy regime change, a man who won the presidency through a Supreme Court

What the hell is an Umbrage? I don't even know what point you're arguing because, I assume, it involves referencing a goddamn fictional wizard.

Tribal tattoo toupee and gold lamé will turn your brain around

I would agree more with your knee-jerk characterization above. I remember watching some of his… content(?) maybe a year ago. Guy is the personification of the woke bro. He's the king of the heap of disposable, topic of the day meta-drama. It's the same pursuit of views and revenue on the YouTube model that leads to

This person might be arguing that the sexual attraction to the type of women being depicted is coincidental and not involved with the decisions of what 'type' of woman to depict in media. The character could conceivably be written and filmed without the male gaze in mind, yet still be considered attractive by a

Yeah, bout time we called out Radiolab for what it is!

Because, Trump thrives on convincing others that his brand is worth more than anemic dog shit, and running for the presidency and winning was one of the last swindles he could pull without access to a functioning brain. Nothing boosts profile like limitless cable news coverage. Of course, nothing sinks it like running

People hate nothing more than an apostate.

How many horsepower you got in those legs of yours? .07, .09? That's what I thought. So quit trash talking his best friend for the last ten years.

Zuckerman has found the PERFECT solution to cover up the sad state of Americas rusted out factories. Go out and buy his Facebook! Fantastic guy! #MAGA