Wire's Greatest Hits!

What are you talking about? They always repackaged useless garbage as prizes. I kid, though! Drew Carey is a national treasure.

I swipe from front to back, personally. Less risk of infections.

Just stare at your phone for a few more years, you only have to wait out the receding present for a short while more.

The unbaptised ones at least.

They're the honest wombles, the quiet bat-people, if you will. His affinity for the 'Old School grads' is perfectly understandable- they're the easiest to pander and market to without having to be concise or articulate about exactly what their identity is. When you mix metaphors so often and cast around vague in-group

I like my Korn… roasted. BAM!

Yeah! And he didn't get shrapnel in his buttock during the Falklands just for you pinko tangueros to keep calling them the Malvinas!

…time he created a mashup of Kid A and Pharcyde's Bizarre Ride II, burned it on to a CD/RW, and left it on a park bench outside of EMI with his name, MySpace page, and family residence's complete address written in sharpie. The subsequent harassment received took many forms…

He didn't make a wager on whether Edison was going to murder another circus animal on flag day. The stupid eating has to be related to the stupid bet premise. Should have eaten a digital download.

"… and he died how he lived, only tangentially tied to anything meaningful. The 23 year old barista's apprentice from Midland, Texas was known to friends …"

If only someone, anyone, in this spat would get hit upside the head with a fat, broken-oft tree limb…

I imagine Linklater is friends with the entire coterie of Waking Life and Slacker personalities. You know, for an even and balanced life, he just draws from the farthest points on every horizon. Or maybe it's a frog in the slowly heating pot of water situation. Jones just got more and more unhinged that Linklater

At what point do yo pass 'Mother Night' and go full 'A Scanner Darkly'?

-1 for false appropriation of 'chud'. Us C.H.U.D.s are sick of you normos brandishing our culture like a weapon at every mouth breather, cryptofascist, and sub-omeguloid under the sun!

It's the same damnation that should follow around the names of people like George Wallace, who in the name of politically convenient populism went from being a staunch segregationist to being considered a political moderate on race. In public life you shouldn't be allowed to shed policies and messages to 'evolve' with

Please clap.

Look at Mr. Library Card over here! We only accept uninformed pedantry 'round these parts!

Are you pretending that Pulse was carried out by a Syrian refugee? That was a failure of domestic intelligence and a mental healthcare failure. What does wanting to let in refugees, under the already strict review process, have to do with an attack by a person radicalized on US soil?

Preemptive Hatch Act save: I am making these comments as a private citizen-
I was scrolling through the epa twitter feed today and, I shit you not, the PR person in charge linked to a piece by the New York Post editorial board defending the Administration's climate change rollback. A fucking tabloid has no purchase in

I did know that. Now, I'm not so sure anymore.