Wire's Greatest Hits!

But are you not also making fun of Facebook users? I can guarantee that all 50 million of those albums sold are in the hands of Facebook users and that the platform has given a forum to and enabled voices that have far less meaningful things to say than even the most superfluous and trite Nickelback song.

Yeah, it's not bullying- it's just the most sterile, old-hat signaling possible. Zuckerberg can try all he wants to be hip, but the lameness of this shot at a has-been vanilla shit band won't hide the same vanilla-shit quality that is the dominant characteristic of anything Z has his hand in.

He learned to kill with pride again. No officer should have to feel bad about shooting suspicious adolescents. Not when the East Germans could come waltzing into your high-rise any day now and we need our boys in blue at peak murder levels for domestic security.

You're right brah. I never even thought of that. Can You gift me some large amount of money to go buy the LPs to replace the vinyl rips of albums I would have never had access to because of lack of funds?

I still use my terabyte external full of pirated stuff. It's about a decade old now and every time I connect it I pray that this is not the time it does the inevitable of crapping out and leaving me without my foundation of tuneage.

Read a Spanish language blog, zine, or left leaning literature. "Latinx" and "latin@" are used plenty by native Spanish speakers. It's inclusive while promoting brevity.

Well, she did win the popular vote. So, the assholes were just better located geographically. Already saw some mental tweens in MAGA hats yucking it up while on my walk today. Hope they can keep their cavalier attitude when they get drafted to the Forever War.

Are you being willfully dense? If Anderson Cooper existed without being the recognizable 'Anderson Cooper' of television he would be a gay white man, but in everyday interactions would be treated in the manner all attractive white men are treated. You can't see sexual orientation as you can ethnicity.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and infer that Chapelle was trying to connect race and class and lament the fact that the Democratic Party is showing a worrying trend towards embracing the more shallow aspects of identity politics while ignoring or sidelining concern for bettering the position of the working class

Darmok and Jalad in the Bed Bath and Beyond

We don't have warp technology yet, though. Gotta wait for Zefram Cochrane to lay off the boozing before we get any hails.

Even the smallest Fremen child knows the winds are caused by Sandworm farts.

I ain't your babe, babe.

I can bring a lot to Dumbass and Dumbass. I'm a go-getter. Dumbass material all the way! So, am I your man Mr. Dumbass?

Was The Purge: Election Year set in the Philippines post Duterte election?

Nice Spanish detective work tyraspanish. What do you see in the tea leaves for my given name: Buck Futt. I'll take my answer off the air.

Maybe her local Amnesty International branch is a bit more of a paramilitary organization than the ones we are familiar with. Or maybe 'bombing the contras' is taking rips off of hot knives down by the railroad tracks.

My dog's name is Reggie. Every time he does something goofy I consider his full name should be Reginald Bark lay… That is all.

Saco mis manitas y las pongo a bailar
Las abro, las cierro, las vuelvo a make the same goddamn three hand motions I've been making my whole life any time I open my stupid orange mouth.

I think the only other GG book I have read is Our Man in Havana. Also pretty good.