Wire's Greatest Hits!

I thoroughly enjoyed The Quiet American. Favorite movie about the Vietnam War.

Well there is a video of him doing the ice bucket challenge. No measuring stick though.

Mr. Degree here. We didn't all go to Gudger College, sir.

I always hated that song. Best that you can do? As in falling in love isn't great or even acceptable, just the BEST that you can do?

I think it's meant to evoke a image of some braggadocio or entitled turd getting has butt whooped and then loudly protesting after the fact. It's a shit term for anything because people conflate an accurate context for the terms use with someone having a legitimate grievance or sound opinion. Maybe I'm just butthurt

Hugging a cop?

That's the one. I was at university at the time and written notice of the recall must have been sent to an old address. Kind of a sinking feeling to walk outside before going to the store and realize that the fire engine sirens you heard earlier were in response to your vehicle burning out to a useless piece of metal.

You might reconsider that last statement. My 98 F150 had a recall notice that I never knew about (regarding the cruise control, if I remember correctly), and due to my inaction on the matter the bastard spontaneously caught fire in a parking lot. Whole engine compartment burned out before anyone noticed the flaming

You're a real Shakespearo

On the censorship: I've been watching infowars clips out of a mix of self-hate and a desire to do an accurate Alex Jones impersonation on a small podcast. I doubt that Milo will go on there and cry censorship as he did following his Twitter ban. Weak. Sad.

I suppose my point was that both men's fathers were kind of shitbirds, but that Guthrie was a great man, Trump is a horrible man, and the caliber of people their respective fathers were doesn't really matter much. But then I remembered Trump spoke glowingly of his father last night, and I withdraw my blasé attitude.

Yeah yeah. And Woody Guthrie's father participated in lynch mobs

His logic is sound and reasonable. In a two party system with non compulsory voting, voting a third party in a non swing state is one of the only ways to express dissent within national level elections without jeopardizing the success of the undesirable, but more acceptable, candidate.

I just asked a 5 year old with an Entertainment Weekly subscription. He had no idea either.

Dean Koontz

I don't even know what it means in present day. I think an editor just said 'Pokemon up the cover 13 percent and send it to the printer's.'

I guess I'm just inured to the vocal style. Too much Essential Logic and X-ray spex, etc. listening in my past. This performance was mixed terribly though.

Only in a case directly relating to whether trump becomes president or not. If affinity or dislike for a current administration put in jeopardy the impartiality of a justice's judgments, recusals would be far more common. When ruling on Obama policies, his appointees don't feel it necessary to recuse themselves and

Shoot, I should have read all the way down thread.

It's like the aliens don't understand conservation of energy. No matter how much human fat you harvest for an energy source, it would always be less than that which you've put in to the feeding and harvesting of the fat. Come on alien overlords, you're going to have to do better for me to welcome you.