Wire's Greatest Hits!

Exhaustedly smooths back hair into devil horns* 'uoooogh'

She voiced a very plain and unbiased opinion on what a narcissistic, unprincipled Trump presidency would mean for the medium-to-long run of the SCOTUS

You saw Alaska in the North Atlantic?

Yep, that was confusing.

That's along the lines of my thoughts. I spent a while trying to think if the show had used piano previously, and felt the instrument choice telegraphed the uneasiness of the situation much too early. Maybe I'm reflecting on it wrong though, and it was a good choice to have an anachronistic musical motif to maintain

Hmmm. I'm from Oklahoma, and consider the Plains states to be entirely separate from the Midwest. I generally think of the Midwest as Minesota, and any state touching one of the Great Lakes, with the extent of the last glaciation generally delineating how far south the region extends.

All of them probably taking video vertically. Learn to take a proper video White House staffers.

I was expecting a Glenn Cullen-sized tempest of takedowns from Gary. Not as ravaging, but equally good.

The article builds as though it were talking about House Winterfell [sic], though. So it's poorly written and describes neither character well either way it was intended.

Except now, with the majority of Scottish voters wanting to remain, the independence faction has one more strong argument for leaving GB and remaining in the EU. The former referendum in Scotland can be seen as testing the waters and a new vote may be called very soon, listening to comments from Scottish national

Cept they showed one of the giants at the wall using a very large bow. I think his lack of weapon was to avoid the possibility of the Stark forces breaking out of that encirclement, and nothing more.

I ket muttering, 'get behind one of those flaming St. Andrews crosses, you idiot boy.' So, similar.

Anything other than going to a Mana concert, possibly.

Jakob the Liar… Oh, wait

Because it's a fairly standard colloquialism in Spanish to say Para chuparme los dedos to indicate the tastiness of a meal. I'm not making any false inference by saying that that is what is known to precede that phrase. But sure.

It works. They're saying: [chicken so delicious it was made] to lick from your fingers [afterwards]. There's some norteno song I vaguely remember that includes a description of a woman so 'delicious' she was made to lick ones fingers after 'consuming' her. I hate Banda.

Or if you're very talented: para chuparse la verga

Paraplegic men can still have erections. Murderball taught me this. *crosses fingers for Westerossi murderball league*

More like Eisenstein, with that stair roll and all. Amirite…

I'm assuming Dany needs more ships than those Theon and Yara are bringing, and will end up capturing some of those slaver ships instead of just burning them all.