Wire's Greatest Hits!

Nah. I think Jaime respects the Blackfish too much to just dump him in the river.

Agreed. If her meeting back up with the lead actor had been something of a reveal, like: 'did that acting technique for getting a realistic stab wound work?'; 'sure did. Thanks' and then the chase through the streets, it would have been 80 percent less groan inducing.

I gave Arya's rapid healing a slight pass simply because it seems the events in different theatres of the show don't seem to follow a shared timeline. I thought maybe, just maybe, it had been a month or two since the stabbing in universe. Other than that explanation, the whole thing was incredible.

Dude, ALL they teach you at Trump U is how to sneak up behind vulnerable people and stab them in the neck. How do you think you get that first infusion of capital? Children stabbing is how. Day one stuff. Sad.

But why would rogues carry on with all this lord of light BS that their former leader espoused. It would make more sense that Beric has died so many times that he has fully lost his former self and is leading the BWB particularly against Lannisters and co and generally against anyone with needed provisions as a

The Sparrow and Tommen must have communed as bros and talked about how women be all withholding and shit.

That would make sense. The head actor is the only friend she has in braavos, unless Syrio Forel is buying some churros in that market she was stumbling through.

Well, maybe the Swamp Thing said it a few times

Yeah, it just pours.

They might have tried to reference such an event with the earlier season outbreak as a microcosm of insufficient resources and overly large ambitions creating public health disasters. It was framed in such a way that backed up first William's, then Oleg's concerns.

If you're this far in and don't enjoy it, you might just move on. I've enjoyed the show since episode one. I can imagine, however, that if you aren't in to the acting, premise, emotional stakes, etc. that the pacing might discourage continued viewing. I think it gets less 'mission of the week' as you describe it and

Oh god, I had forgotten about that. Good catch

Paige even said 'downtown food pantry'. I'm more concerned that the assailants had previously been at the food pantry itself before they attacked leading to Tim bringing it up and Paige feeling guilty about a secret death being on her conscience.

Elizabeth is a true erotic actor is why. She was ashamed for those second rate thespians and their prosaic o-faces.

Bum Hut

You better believe Ramsay's factory doesn't follow proper tag-in lock-out procedure. Winterfell Heavy Industries Concern these days looks something like this:

Has she though? I feel like she's going to be around til Dany shows up in the West, what with the scene with the red priest in Mereen and the restored integrity of her visions and magic.

Bachmann incident?

Most definitely. One of the quinceaneras I went to had very strong production values on a series of dance numbers featuring the celebrant, which strongly carried the vibe of it being about the girl's entrance into a sexually active role. I know they are no longer the coming out party in the traditional sense, but it

Always seemed more about record execs or agents… managers?