Wire's Greatest Hits!

Cruz couldn't tell you what's in any of the amendments.

Probably worth a quick, flattering glance from a girl in a coffeehouse circa 2008.

Yeah, huffing paint in the railroad yard of a logging town is a wild ride.

Don't you dare lump us in with she South. We may be ignorant and backwards, but we sure as hell aren't the South.

And everyone chromes their face before soliciting a witness on their journey to Valhalla through fiery acts of death and mangling.

As the alternate representative from Tulsa, I will second this statement and confirm that this horrible accent is more of a Owasso thing.

They only bust Chuck D out of the state pen. It's in their enlistment contract.

That Wild Flag album scared the hell out of me when I compared it to Tucker's most recent solo stuff because I was entirely content with swapping out Tucker with Timony in a S-Kesque band. It kind of upset me when WF just ran it's short course. I still enjoy that album years later.

Guy probably laced his body with phytotoxic levels of Boron before dying in some misguided attempt to cure baldness though.

Do you always put a 34 inch flag pole on your erection in celebration or something. Boom. Destroyed.

And it completely washes out the rise in violent crimes caused by declining Spirograph popularity.

*cut to sequence showing Lobot getting bizay in a wigwam, dancing with wolves, hunting bison in a loincloth.*

*realizes vader is suspiciously close to the German word for father* look out Han! Vader's your father!

Well I guess he said 'ovate'. But, maybe that's what he meant to say all along.

Maybe my girlfriend didn't care much for the play and the Baldwin character in the movie pushed it over the threshold. But she had a great and varied taste in pop culture and art so I'm sure it wasn't just Alec. Man I fucked up losing that one.

I had heard the book was very different in tone and at least wasn't a handjob for baby boomers. Maybe bad in a different way, but I can't imagine something worse than 'wonder simpleton saves the American Dream'.

Chuck's Fuck and Suck can believe it.

A scruffy man

Pffff. An ex gf of mine was the first person to mention, and encourage me to watch GGR.

The answer is 5 Murphy Browns. Right?