Wire's Greatest Hits!

"There is no Bobby number one"

In one sentence you say 'maybe they just liked the cut of his jib', and in another you refuse to believe they would hire him out of some lazy boys club vetting process. Are you trolling hard or do you really not see your claims of a Hollywood making blockbuster decisions solely on merit falling apart all around you?

Somehow the Mexican food Mecca isn't in Mexico…

After reading this article, the word 'breadstick' has lost all breadstick to me.

Jorah even calls back to it in this episode. To which Tyrion suggests a dagger in the heart would be kinder. Well Tyrion, gotta be a man of your word. Tim to stab Jorah in his sleep.

Well I'm a vegan, so I can't be cross contaminating my rosemary potatoes with puppy blood.

Because Jay Leno needs ALL of the motorcycles.

'Somebody won a fully functional puppy guillotine'

Gawd, there is one of his rants on YT in which he complains about modern art at a level where he looks like someone auditioning for the Nazi Art Ministry. Calling contemporary sculpture the product of deranged minds and pollution of our common spaces.

True. not really trying to promote emphsizing the sexuality of a minor, just saying her striking combination of hair and eye color is something aesthetically pleasing.

Well until your family is murdered and you exact vengeance with more killing, I guess we'll just have to take your word for it that you wouldn't have followed Sansa's very believable path.

Not if you're in to redheads and think Emilia Clarke has dead eyes.

Homely? I hope you mean comely.

People forget that the viewers are privy to characterization that the actual characters are ignorant of. All she had heard of him was his whoring, boozing and that everyone refered to him as a physical abomination.

She wasnt really 'dumb' in the first season; however, she was, at least to my viewing, frustratingly naïve. I always thought that was more a failing of her parents to properly educate her in the differences between expectations of chivalrous life and the reality of their world. You see the difference upbringing made

No one can drive Ramsay mad. He's beyond all measures of sanity already. I don't even think there is anything to manipulate there either. Hopefully she just shackles him to the bed the night before Stannis shows up and benevolently gifts Theon a penis graft donated by his old captor.

As does V. or maybe I'm mixing my Pynchon.

That is the point I was trying to make about scientific progress for industrial and domestic applications. His discoveries negated short term, observable hazards, but created many worse problems of greater scope that would only be identified later. Produces a bleak, or I would say sobering, view towards many things we

The commenter was probably referring to Eric Holder though.

I hope it rots his nose first.