Wire's Greatest Hits!

Sounds like the ranting protestations of a functionary from the despotic Burger Kingdom.

Or the one that gave the green light to my asshole governor's daughter to wear a ceremonial headdress for fashion.

I also use common English words frequently. Sometimes I use the word 'the' numerous times in one day in sentences that have almost nothing to do with one another. I'm quite the thespian.

Just make some friends with the breakfast #defectors

Looks like you'll just have to continue dans on with yourself.

Flood the atmosphere with lead: X
Deplete ozone with CFCs: X
Invent autoerotic asphyxiation: XX

Yeah, I'm a bit under-read on this subject, but the concept of concentrating civilians during wartime, followed by extremely low regard for their wellbeing leading to high attrition rates was happening pretty much simultaneously at the time. And if you want to draw connections to Nazi camps, I think a better

Oh, that's just some study your dad made up.

Midgley, you spectacular fuck. The worst thought that comes from knowing about his research in CFCs and lead additives is that they were great ideas that replaced more observably negative products in use at the time. Making you wonder what is being made today to make life safer and efficient that will 50 years from

Which abuse is worse: forced drumstick fellatio, or drumming for your cock of a band leader until your hands bleed?

That interdimensionally kidnapping, time-space ripping POS can take his candy preference and shove it.

That would be a good spin on Simon's answer. Just slightly modifying people's surroundings and routines without them knowing and never confirming their suspicions about the altered environs are true. Until they go insane. Your name could be Gaslighting Abbie or something.

I used to do it because I thought it would jam me up on my insurance rates if they knew the truth.

I'm guessing that is when people's kids are old enough to hijack their spotify password to listen to their darling iggy azalia. Anywaaaays the chart really just says that people stop searching out both extremely mainline and extremely obscure things, or they balance them out to a median point somewhere in the middle.

I don't know why (because I'm not a very big fan of the show), but I listened to Esposito's WTF appearance. It basically covers this time period of her life in more depth, so you should check it out if you want more of her college days coming out story.

I want to walk through the halls of the SG pantheon and see 'Fishball' on a retired jersey hanging in the rafters.

Or he's at least desperate for people to think as much.

And finally… We arrive at Jared Leto's joker. I tell you it reminded me of my Pop talking about Jim Cary's Riddler. But all the things we've loved, all the things we've hated about comic adaptations; it was all the same dream. A dream you had about being a person with reasonable expectations for interpretative

That glove, and the fact that such terrible, highly visible tattoos cover his face and torso have probably excluded him from traditional employment, has led me to conclude that Joker now mainly earns a living in Ashland as a dog walker and gutter punk street performer during the tourist season

Ooooh, do tell. Not any specifics or anything. I just like hearing about trends in poorly chosen tattoos.