Wire's Greatest Hits!

Is that the lady with the spiderwebs on her ta-tas?

Does this mean my ex girlfriend was really a super villain driven by a complex relationship with stylized sparrows? The signs were there, tagged right on her flesh and I didn't even think twice about that cloud of birds that showed up one day to rob my local bank.

mind. BLOWN.

Ya see the clown symbolizes street warfare, and I'm part of the clowns now, ya dig.

Apurate buelita, clientes!

I miss the Munch-i-verse

It's worth more because of the author's glaring typo

Yeah I edited that pretty soon after I posted. My fossil prof would be pretty ashamed at my shitty recall of marker species.

He's got the island and the money troubles. Take to the seas Cage! Piracy needs more volatile personae.

You won't be mocking him so openly once the world switches to a currency based on the cambrian fossil standard.

I had a girl friend in high school that was a roller skating car-hop at sonic. The awful soft serve smell of her clothes after a shift has ensured I have not visited a sonic since we ended our relationship.

Quesadillas are definitely widely available in Mexico, and the word is said to be of Nauatl origin- not a reference to queso. And Mexican food has plenty o cheese- varying from absolute mounds of it to none at all.

Cause the only good corn masa that you can get has been ground and mixed the same day. Even in Mexico most taquerias serve up shitty Maseca brand tortillas, which are pretty tasteless.

What the hell is a nice torta? Tortas are meant to be 15 peso pieces of garbage that will taste decent on a rushed lunch hour and then cause you to shit your pants that same night.

I think they understand those facts all too well, and are questioning the entertainment value : time waste of making such a parody.

The real horror for me was seeing that bobbling dire wolf head stuck on to Robb's body. Stop feeding the furries with concrete images!

Jeez bro, don a Henley and take it easy.

Haha, had to check that out. Pretty apt comparison. I kept expecting to hear rosegarden funeral of sores start up.

A big round of applause for Tom everybody! A comment that isn't funny enough to be an ironic joke, while being too stupid to be a serious comment. A marvel!

That's one of the main problems. You replied to an unrelated post and the argument of your OP makes very little sense within the context you chose. You go on about refuting a comment or viewpoint that is not even present in the comment you are replying to.