Wire's Greatest Hits!

Were you in Italy?

Lol, wut?

I'm starting to think you are the real Bob Dole.


The only thing I like about Phantom is that it led to Tom Lennon as the phantom of the bang bang set and the introduction of the foreboding 4.

I don't know how many people interpret that slogan to mean what you think it means. I always took it to be saying HBO has a unique view of what TV is; that TV is fine and all, but this is a TV experience that is so unique it can only be of our distinct brand.

The problem is they already did the negative memories tainting a pop culture artifact, if I recall. That is a much more mature reason for avoiding some media. I have spitefully avoided some things because on some level it gives me pleasure to deny fanboys and evangelicals of anything the satisfaction of having a

Another reason the eagles should have shown up earlier. Lazy, late birds missed the worm breakfast.

It's cause your comment looks like 'objectivism' is being paired with Great Bands as something good that attracts the bad.

I've avoided Rush when possible mainly because of 'libertarian' Rush fans and hearing goddamn Tom Sawyer too much on the radio as a kid.

I'm assuming you're just commenting on the group assignation of good and bad to TV shows while collectively glossing over the fact that all television is ultimately a waste of time, because what the fuck… Downtown Abbey… Good?

Work up to it! First, Harvey Birdman. Then, if there's time, Birdman.

I dunno. I agree with the reviewer on the fight. I had trouble accepting that in an even fight between the two, Fisk would even be able to lay a hand on Murdoch. The most fighting we had seen Fisk do was killing his Dado with a hammer in a sucker attack, throwing old men around, and beating down an exhausted and

I thought he would just wear one of Fisk's surplus or irregular blazers. But really, why was it this bulky robocop suit. If we've already accepted that there is this ultra resilient light-weight fabric available, why can't we get a suit that plays up DDs nimble acrobatics by being slim cut?

Oh, I'm hip to the lights out way, my friend.

This isn't the same as using Man, Mankind or Man to signify humanity. There is another word in the English language readily available that is already codified to mean 'men and women': humans. Following the conventions of demonym formation there is no equally accurate signifier of nationality for a U.S. citizen in the

Baelish is both weak and unloved, though. He's good at ladder climbing, but there will always be someone up a rung or two that he will, with great efficiency, need to depose. The only thing keeping him safe are the struggles between more worthy seekers of power. Once he steps out of the shadows of greater individuals,

I used to adhere to that belief that we should use something like US American, but it's largely impractical. And spending a fair amount of time living in Mexico, most Mexicans will call you an americano before they use something as formal as estadounidense. And American makes sense as a demonym for people from the

Perhaps in some situation where shipping of intricate parts is cost prohibitive. Or in a world where CAD plans for patented gizmos are distributed freely.

I'm pretty certain I can think of many better things to do in SA than watch television.