Wire's Greatest Hits!

That's all good, but what does the Bible Code tell us abou Franco butt?

His supporters, however… Are very much dead as well.


And ukuleles!


Awwwwww shiii. Good memory.

He's also albino, walks on his hands everywhere, and is notorious for his morose, profanity-filled stand up routine and being the spokesperson for Big Flan.

You should know.

Apparently a spinoff of Dynasty starring Charlton Heston and Ricardo Montalban. Thanks Google!

You dropped some of your Coogan in the Pegg again.

'Krup you, Beeman!'

You mean someone with your exceptional written communication skills hasn't ever before made this kind of money? THANKS OBAMA!

Which leads to my question. I'm assuming the bug works like the one that was in Gaad's office and transmits to a tape somewhere nearby. So someone must be changing the tapes frequently with all the background chatter activating the bug. Who did they find to do this? They discussed janitors, etc. Will it end up being

Would you like that on tie-dye vinyl, or the standard scratched magenta? We also have an optional delivery service courtesy of a licensed War of 1812 reenactor for an additional 1540 rupees.

40 licks will get ya wet and ready to be satisfied by a deeper thrust into the box… set.

Unless Cage visits those cities, the buddhas in Afghanistan, the library of Timbuktu, et al in the next National Treasure movie, America don't know nor does it care about their destruction by the various political/religious/corporate sledgehammers of the world.

Turn left at Deadman's Drop, fleshbag.

Ooh Rob! Ooooh Rob! Herc's in.

More like middle-age daydream, amirite?

His solo album last(?) year was pretty enjoyable and so were some of his other thurston brand albums this last decade or so. I remember being at a SY Rather Ripped era show in the first row and lockin eyes with Kim for about 5 seconds. I saw something like disgust in her returned gaze. It was wonderful. I also got to