Wire's Greatest Hits!

I don't put 100 percent of my experience behind my original post. More a belief that within the show's universe, it would be a stretch.

Yeah not many of the other Achaeans make it home without serious inconvenience and death being visited upon them. At least Odysseus makes it back to live with his family in happiness (well, until his son kills him).

Wait, what character? It has been a long while since I've thought about Troy.

You forget George Clooney from your list of male Odys. The best reimagining of The Odyssey has already been made.

Murders and then drags the corpse of around for days behind his chariot, then keeps to prevent burial. And he's still a hero.

This sounds like it could get dangerously close to furry, or vore.

The Romans didn't like Odysseus much. The slimy bastard who did their mythological forefathers in was not admired for his slippery tricks and witch fucking.

Rad Classic lit burn bro!

Look everyone! The bow from Bowfinger!

And fifth best involving murdering a bunch of suitors with your son! A classic.

Ahhh, the oft overlooked 1923 JJ helmed silent film masterpiece How Ulysses Got Her Groove Back.

Only date/lay mastectomy outpatients to be sure.

I've got the sex tape to prove otherwise: One Night in Paris.

Round here it's usually heard to sound like 'Anartica'

That's why we pay Dikachu the big upvotes.

Who are these no-nonsense cultures? Straight to the clitoris? What about a nice kiss on the areola my boy?

I'm a mostly straight male and I also find big breasts and their more 'floppy' movements pretty boner killing. Another thing in straight porn that just kills it for me is the more spastic groping and clumsy handling of breasts, especially the large ones. The only attraction I have to breasts is their significance as

A gin soaked barroom queen in Memphis

Pun thread starters should get autobahnned.

Ted Cruz 2016