Wire's Greatest Hits!

FAne Fane Fane fane fane FAIIN what's your nane what's your nane

Right, but I think he was more trying to draw a comparison between the misconstrued duos that Jimmy drew up in his head (Jim-Mike, Jim-Chuck) that turned out unfulfilling, and that of himself and Marco. His bond with Marco was the only symbiotic, unreservedly caring of the ones presented in which there was not a third

Poor Dorian Gray doesn't know what a passive breakup from John Teti looks like.

My favorite aggie!

Well they surely wouldn't allow him to follow his desire to wallpaper his office in a constitution-red-white-and blue motif. The scandal! The crime against lawyerly decor!

Could you imagine a law firm giving a partnership to a man who had only a degree from American Samoa? They would surely never have big client meetings in his office with that degree framed and on the wall. In a world entirely appreciative of merit and results, that still wouldn't look good.

Well this kind of editorial inconsistency is what costs you a Webby!

If vice were more self-aware, it would know it is Nathan Barley.

That's how I feel in general about vice, but I watched some of their news blips and short docs a while back and didn't find them to be all that bad. And then some of their 'docs' are just skinny managing editors going out to shoot guns. Come on vice, stop trying to be cool. You were never cool and you look

So how do other people feel about vice news and such? I'm torn between liking their coverage of under-discussed topics while also finding some of their reporters to be borderline incompetent.

'Masterful' Twitter 'essays' are now 'screeds'.

For those who want their bourbon to taste even sweeter. Seems like something you would only buy to try and get into someone's pants.

Mamaaaaa, you humped me, but I never humped youuu.

Beads have been in a sharp plummet in value since the 1620s; Long past are the days when beads were valued high enough to buy islands.

Tubgirl… That takes me back, to the days of ebaumsworld.

Or Mexico. Slide into a cantina, order a few beers and get a sequence of meals/appetizers that will turn your mind to the profit margin-food quality ratio as you wonder how this food parade is NOT lethal for such a low admission fee.

Delivery functionary: 'Taco Bell, your food is here'
Stoned occupant: 'Taco Bell's not here maahn'

Worst. Beard. Ever.

Probably because Spoon and Sleater Kinney are both better rock bands, not just originators, or the most visible acts, in a rock trend. Can't speak to Interpol, but, personally speaking at least, YYYs and Liars continue to put out mod to high grade music that makes their 00s stuff more noteworthy.

You have a point about the show having very little outright laffs, but saying the humor is so minimal to be nearly absent or a tool the writers never use- that's a bit far in my opinion. I think the writers know when and how to use humor to accent the parallel drama without providing unnecessary salves to the audience