Wire's Greatest Hits!

As US demographics progress towards a larger and larger majority percentage being made up of POC, white people will find themselves confused, casting about for the correct minority to complain about. Eventually, Caucasians will turn against themselves in a self-criticism so withering they will just blink out of

That's because we're all part of Dick Whitman's dying consciousness. We feel it all as he sees it unfolding until the dusk of eons, trapped in the fading moments of a blown to hell whoreson in Korea. The Beatles? Pssssh, all Whitman.

Oh my, yes! Crucifixion was notorious for ruining many a fine dancer's career.

Definitely. 3rd eye is part of a five minute power block of music I don't really care for, including such bands as blind melon and blind faith. 'The bleary clearinghouse' I call it.

Only from 3:00 to 3:01 a.m. You only get one minute of semi charmed life. That's it.

Cause God cursed the followers of moloch (or moliggers, if you'll allow me to reference the outdated epithet) in the antebellum days when it was a social norm. You're trapped in obummer's PC madhouse.

Well loved ones have said that I'm really just a gritty reboot of my father. And I do have numerous affectations. This targeted advertisement is spooky.

I'm out of my depth here speaking on Christian philosophy, but if you see the incarnation of God in a mortal form as a second Adam, you can maybe make sense of why Jesus had to die to renegotiate the Old Testament creation of original sin. A second mortal direct descendent of the godhead to undo the first one's

Silly Kettle, in America evangelical scolds youuu.

I imagine that by now most classic rock stations are programmed largely by people who didn't grow up in that era. We should probably just face the fact that the Baby Boomers have forever trapped us in a nostalgia loop where most younger people will take 'classic rock' radio as representative of music from that time

My sincerest apologies Lord Douchebag. Are we still on for tearing ass around your estate in our I-ROCs and blaring of the Bon Jovi on the morrow?

Dude needs to do some Iroquois twists

*Downvoted for puerile Dec 10, 1999 baby whining*

Hell, I'd like to get a bunch of 50-60 something year olds and quiz them on bands like The Stooges, VU, MC5, Joy Division, Elvis Costello or other things I was listening to as a teen in the 90's and my parents had never heard of.

So buzzfeed is my 8 month old niece's facebook page?

So, are they broadcasting the documentary live or not?

Poor Groin too much girth for anything but a hug-tug-job.

It's true! Horrific car crash. Big funeral and a special edition beanie baby and everything.

I mean the hypothetical situation is ludicrous. There are many realities that make suggesting such a situation absurd; nevertheless, I was engaging in some guilty pleasure listening of Hannity to keep me awake on this horrific 10 hour drive up and down the state of Texas, and this very situation was proposed. Then I

Fuckin' hell, Big Dad Rock is always one step ahead in knowing how to navigate the churning waters of public opinion for the benefit of their coffers.