Wire's Greatest Hits!

Well he has a second caveat with his women and his coffee: They have to come with a grande sized clitoris.

I can see a rural stage show on the Cruz campaign trail featuring the 'Small Business Independent Thinker' (they'll shorten it to 'Small Thinker') hefting his pizza peel to paddle away intrusive government policy reform. Ted Cruz friend of the Small Thinker, keep on the sunny side everybody, and paddle away big

My god, how ever will a small pizzeria business survive accepting money from a larger client base? They're squeezing the little guy!

That assumption has more evidence backing it than the competing view, which you seem to espouse in an earlier post, that people will back ethically and morally righteous causes with their dollars. In a world where slavery was tolerated and justified through scriptural interpretation and economic realities and where

I understand that some, or many, Christians have a certain position against same sex marriage that resides in the penumbra of two thousand + years of scripture and theological study. No matter how strongly held those convictions, the state has a compelling interest to limit the exercise of those convictions if they

So what are you advocating here exactly? Are you positing that State, corporations, religious institutions, are digressing into factions that patronize one religion at the expense of the practitioners of all others? If so, I don't see how adding this clause is anything but an argument against that notion being

You're right. In the American legal tradition, Exercise of religion encompasses belief, but the freedom to act on such beliefs does not override the preservation of other rights should the state be able to provide proof of a compelling interest in protecting said rights. Protection of minority classes against

Just because you passed your AP Euro exam last week doesn't mean you can try to fit 'cuius regio, eius religio' into every exchange. Adding a clause to the act prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender does not equate to substantially burdening one's free exercise of religion. It certainly

Part of that sounds spookily correct. The rest sounds spookily plausible.

Prune tinctures?

My RenFaire kid really half-assed it. He would mainly just wear flowing pirate shirts paired with bondage pants and had a proclivity for anachronistic turns of phrase that ranged from chivalrous to Gilded Age. The boy who came unstuck in time.

Tell me they didn't fuck it up by putting an over-sized fainting couch right in front of the hearth.

Ahh, RenFaire kid. Where is his prestige drama? Actually there are probably many I just don't know about. Shine on you crazy diamond!

Now, whenever I have a stubborn blockage I wander the aisles of my local market asking for the brand I can trust to get me moving again- Secor Laxatives. They keep my juices flowing.

Like The Patriot? The story of a mentally unstable rocking chair maker and part-time farmer, who goes around hacking to pieces fine young gentlemen in red tailcoats.

I predict this movie will finally reinstate the pageantry and irresponsible pyrotechnics usage that has long been missing from our arena fart rock.

yeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss. She can dance apocalyptic all over my sequel.

We feel the term 'Mad' is a bit insensitive. Could we call him Mentally Troubled Max. Mentally Troubled Max: Chemical Imbalance Road

He's taking the picture, duh

You know, the carpenter, always talking these crazy ideas. You know, Chucho. He's always at league night with Bill.