Wire's Greatest Hits!

psssh, not if they're all named Hans. They'll all be, 'come on Hans, take those prisoners to the showers' 'who me?' 'no, 'Big Hans'' 'I am Big Hans' 'No you're not, you're hair-lip Hans'… and so forth

He's very muscular, but he's constantly relaxed to the point all of his muscles go flaccid. His combination of fitness, low stress and wealth mean we are likely to see Paul Blart 23: Moon Mall Constable some time around his mid-life in 2075.

My eyes are gettin' weary, my back is gettin' tiiight. My left arm is tinglin' and I cain't draw breath just riiight.

He'll run out of his patent pending high aminos/orphan soul content energy drink soon though, then it's deadsville for 'ol 'Superlegs' Robertson.

Yeah, but all the RCC had to do was trade Schuller some indulgences for the Cathedral. The nuns are praying for his release from purgatory as we speak.

Well thanks for unintentionally reminding me that Oral Roberts University continues to exist. You wanna talk about ugly buildings of American evangelical faith (in comparison to the crystal cathedral). Take a stroll around that campus. Just horrible. Has the exact feel you would expect if a televangelist somehow

The Hagia Sophia is a good one if only for the fact that it is so much older than most grand European cathedrals. I think it would be a lot more stunning if it hadn't gone through massive conversions in appearance and structure over the years, but the history and layering add a little something extra of visual

No no no it said "Many Hans, one goal. The HR people were very aware of the parallels of using drained and soul-dead office workers as the mortar between the bricks of the marvel of free enterprise.

is it Lactaid?

Trick stupid teens into thinking they're drinking southern comfort so they can act wasted but be stone sober

No MolokoPeepch?

lim f(ast) = infinity
ast -> c

Which sets the stage for a segue into the testosterone driven musical performances of Daniel Day Lewis and Ed Begley Jr. in Nine Furious Men

John Madden from Football '93, plz

(1/53) He's yellow. Can't you see?
(2/53) And by yellow, I don't mean to use the tired racist categorization of all Asians as yellow.
(7/53) 8 in the OP comment is not a shorthand for 'hate', which we all know is unacceptable.
(31/53) Masterful
(32/53) Masterful
(33/53) Masterful
(69/53) Reciprocal oral

In America Tootsie actors put government agents in stitches! In Soviet Russia agents put weak social delinquents in stitches!

Yeah, stick that one in your pipe and smoke it you critics of The Americans because of its lack of humor.

"Paige…. uhm, hi. You know sometimes Mom and Dad go out in wigs and different clothes, and it's not, uhm… because we don't love each other. It's because, well, we love each other very much and sometimes- it's strange really- sometimes it really gets your mom's rocks off to have me pretend to be a Swedish intelligence

Well Mail Robot will probably bring him his official severance letter and beep on and on with smug satisfaction