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It really provided a safeguard for P+E, though, that Stan got most of his suspicions put away in the pilot. I think ever since then his gut feeling that something isn't right with the Jennings couple has been pushed way down in his mind. He would have to see something extremely conclusive to suspect them again (maybe

Phil seeing Kimmie's vacation portrait really hammered that point home, coming as it did after Tim suggesting a family trip to Kenya. Seeing Phil's face was depressing- as he recognizes that even getting away on a family vacation wouldn't bring them closer to Paige because of the necessities of his job and the

He actually broke in to some other neighbor's house when he saw they had the game system. I'm assuming he already knows about his parents spy craft and has been using their darkroom to develop voyeuristic images of hot neighbors.

So when are we going to be introduced to the parallel series, "Pastor Tim: super spy"?

Is Limehouse involved in this arm falling off situation? Boon ends up cellmates with Quaryles (sp?). "So, I see you've met the tag-team of Raylan Givens and Mr. Limehouse."

I hope we actually get a quick draw duel and Boon just fumbles his gun like a klutz.

No one wanted that three way. Just sad people expressing desperation wrapped up in a package of cliched openness.

The writer isn't bending facts on this point. Pete raped the nanny. The subtext and overt text of the episode itself make this clear as she didn't want it before, during and after the encounter in question.

Couldn't let it pass, huh? Coercing someone into sex through power over their livelihood is no different than using physical power to coerce someone into sex. They are both situations in which any nominal 'yes' the perpetrator receives is void. You should have just let it pass, instead of sounding like a rape

Those cataract glasses really brought out the pupils


I know it is silly to fault the show for promoting the family drama angle with results such as we saw tonight, but it stuck in my mind all episode. I just kept thinking: geez just merge into a lower tier law firm that will grow and eat away at HHM if you hat Hamlin so much.

Well the betrayal revealed in this episode isn't as acute as denying him a working relationship with HHM on the lawsuit. It is a revelation that Chuck has been undermining him since at least Jimmy's passing of the bar exam. And, who knows what further manipulations there are offscreen where Chuck has kept Jimmy down

And the HHM super turning of the electricity means they killed the AC in the Albuquerque heat- he's roasting in his own juices in that thing.

So HHM is the only firm in ABQ that Jimmy could refer the case to? Come on guys, it's the largest city in New Mexico, stop building dramatic tension by ignoring the realities of the legal pool in a major US city. Jimmy could easily take the case to any firm in the US if it's such a winner. Even referencing that Erin

I don't know why you wouldn't follow the same rules of courtesy at a live comedy performance as you would at a play or movie. Especially considering the comedian probably works better with an engaged audience. It's almost as ridiculous as texting while having a face-to-face conversation- you are supposed to be engaged

Oh no doubt, no doubt. If you could go rogue in this footrace and groin punch, McCain is your man. But having his leg all Ho Chi Minh'd to hell during the war… even a Houston swamp cruzer like Ted could beat him if the race is straight.

Rosebud may have burned, but the cane from Citizen Cane is still on the market.

THE Keir Dullea?! Keir Dullea from Black Christmas!? *impressed whistle*

This is the US Senate we're talking about, not a lot of fresh horses in that bunch.