Wire's Greatest Hits!

pffft… 'homie'? Look out @rickycoogin:disqus! It's an e-narc!

Well Big Postage may have had your balls. Some of us, though, We Await Silent Tristero's Empire and do our part meanwhile.

Oh yeah definitely big with the pregos and other disableds

But… but, the race sciences tell us that only those a Abyssinian stock weep from professional embarrassment! What is happening to me?

Put your finger in my gash Thomas.

And helping even more teams lose games. He's not only locking in his bracket, he's actively screwing yours over. I'm talking to you Jeff from AECOM

IHttt's bin

Cool. I'll look for the hooded head at trivia in the fall.

When asked about how this bill will have effects on the LGBT community, he has said in answer that he does not want to make sexual orientation the basis for a protected class- I'm assuming under state law. I don't think, as a governor, you can come out and say that you encourage discrimination based on sexual

His dad would literally crucify him if He found out He was just giving away belts and washers as if they were as common as His body and blood. Autoparts don't just transubstantiate out of thin air Son.

Oh my god! Are the signs made out of dead people's fillings?

I'm going to concede that you know more about how directly Mad Men influenced the style of young men's apparel (especially in the blog world and accessible media for young men), as you're more up on the trends of this nexus of information and entertainment. I guess I was just trying to reject the idea that myself as a

And I said to Jeebus, 'why not just give me the 5 dollar fan belt for free, it would save us both a lot of trouble and time'. And, Jeebus went on about management taking it out of his paycheck, so I just dropped it.

The time of the green grocer is nigh! Despots beware! We herald the green thumb soaked in our brothers' blood. This is the sign of our freedom!

I don't remember anyone in forced servitude getting paid a fair market value for their goods and services while enjoying the freedom to spend their time and money outside of the workplace however they saw fit.

Yeah, come on guuuuys. It says restoration of religious freedom right in the title of the biiiiiill.

*slightly more necessary Tejano accordion riff drowns out everything*

Trivia in the Root Cellar?

If you are the only provider of a good or service in a rural area and denying the provision of that good or service to a minority, you are causing an undue burden on that minority to seek that good or service in some other locale. And if the super-majority of people in the place harboring discrimination have no

Well I didn't get my PoliSci BA with a Film Studies certificate just to wank around in college for five years. The plan is in motion, charlessage.