Wire's Greatest Hits!

I suppose I agree with you that there is a higher visibility of the trend courtesy of the explosion of social media usage (actually couldn't say personally as I don't have much exposure to the services listed) with the target demographic receiving their first big boy clothes. But, trying to sell clothes and lifestyles

People Envy Happiness, Dogs, Though, Sense Courage Knowing Jubilation Means Better Ass… ets.

Uncanny, the similarities. Just the other day I was flying my attack ship just off the shoulder of Orion, and I turn to my co-pilot and says, I says to him, 'wouldn't it be funny if we saw like 6 C-beams glittering in the dark, like right now?'

Anything slim!

Nah. I have a feeling young adults have a false sense of being originators or somehow different from their predecessors as they mature. The viewing audience of Mad Men just thought the show initiated or spurred on a renaissance of the idea of young men dressing well, when in fact, some people just grow the fuck up and

So, does he get away with the money?

Jon Hamm: Finally a leading man to chase lean, sexy crucifix Jesus out of my nocturnal fantasies

All of the people in advertisement on the show are either terrible in the ways you would expect ad execs to be terrible, or have their naivete about advertisement's glamour crushed; advertisement as an industry receives an increasingly negative shading as the series moves forward; the depiction of people scrambling

I have the same knee-jerk dismissal of Game of Thrones, but under more trivial circumstances of its being spoiled by zealous fans. My neighbor would watch it loudly and I distinctly remember vowing never to see an episode solely based on how annoying I found being forced to listen to the title sequence while studying.

Because no one would compose a fiction that mundane, nor would they bother to include a vivid recounting of your second summer at the YMCA sleep-away camp.

These tips will finally let you know what all of your man's exes already knew about the basic mechanics of sex. Welcome to to the exciting world of manual-based vanilla sex, young lady!

The Dickensian aspect of WMD proliferation. Let's get some good graphics and push the menace of Iraq up to page one above the fold.

Art school question: Can the paintings of a former world leader, and current member of the world's ruling class, be considered 'outsider art' if their tenure as a leader could arguably be evidence of their underlying incompatibility with a sane society?

It's still lumped in with Best Surf Scene?

I'm visualizing Alfred Nobel in those rain boots. And nothing else.

Fun fact: 'Whopper' derives from the Old Norse words 'Wyupp' and 'djupr', roughly translating to 'Royale with cheese'

Any direct criticism of him would probably be dampened by his ego to the point he wouldn't understand you were making fun. If he does get wise, just escape through the nearest doorway sized for normal humans.

I mean who poisons a whole jug of moonshine? Not anyone from Kentucky is who.

…hmmm… Kath's phone is still in that old pickup Ava took… hmmm… Ava checks voicemail, saves Wynn, and they go on the run together, and live happily ever after in Suriname. Yes. This could work.

Couldn't Boon kill Ava? That would really get to him. Markham sends him after the money and blam-o: dead ex-lover. Also she reminded him that he is somewhat responsible for her turning outlaw through his neglect of their relationship, so something happening to her would be pretty bad for his repressed conscience.