Wire's Greatest Hits!

Raylan even saw how obvious her softballing that chest-shot was. He didn't even look down to see if Boyd was dead or alive. Just stared off after Ava thinking about how much moxie she had and all the drama that was transpiring.

Well, that is truly a poor and nonsensical choice in tattoo, no matter the implied message. But I don't think it would matter, even if it were consciously hateful, unless your university has a hate speech code.

He who controls ground delivery of written correspondence controls the world. Even more true today than in the '80s

Just an aside- I hated Mags saying that. Like she thought it was clever or something. I wanted the dying man to just gasp, 'duh, unnecessary exposition *death rattle*'

She was dead from the moment E picked up the picture frame. Considering they usually wipe prints after leaving a scene, no way she's leaving someone to tell the cops where to dust. I mean you could say further back, even coming into the room without a disguise. It was more about at which revelation each audience

True. E+P being high tier infiltrators on foreign soil makes it more expected we will see them do devious criminal acts. They're on another level and at a different stance than Stan doing his domestic counterintelligence. When we actually saw CIA (or NSA) operatives last season they were in the dark mess that was the

"I'm sorry Martha. It was a good lay."

In the most useless corner of an historic conflict. E+P don't even really want to be bugging the mailbot and probably wont get any useful recordings from a box that moves around in the hallways and will probably drown out most conversation with the whirring of its motor and beep alerts. At least she got to be sweet

See, that's similar to how I think it might play out. After Stan and Oleg confirm or fabricate a story about the defector being a double agent, the FBI stumbles upon the two in one of their secret meetings, Stan is forced to reveal their plan to clear himself of suspicion with respect to the bug, and Oleg is either

I think things could end badly for Oleg. Stan is sort of in the clear with this prisoner swap operation- trying to catch a KGB mole and swap her for an FBI informant. But, if Nina comes back through Stan and Oleg wheeling and dealing, Stan might be in the position to leave some clues indicating that Oleg knowingly

Ok, I was making a joke. Apparently you were genuinely asking if a tasteless tattoo is hate speech.

Maybe his muscles stretched out a generically-sized woman and made the tattoo look as if it were an overweight woman. Maybe it's just harmless misogyny. Give the guy a break

Yeah, I've never gotten the whole 'gym self-consciousness' thing. I mean everyone looks ridiculous going into a large room to stare into mirrors while lifting masses of metal or operating bizarre machines. Just go with it and don't worry about some neckless vein-bundle with a chronically prolapsed anus and what they

Hello Sir or Madam. I am the proprietor of a new patisserie, Taylor Swift's Homemade Cream Pies (find out more about our exciting, warm products at our new domain: TaylorSwift.creampie). My inner businessman is aroused by the mention of your own 'Taylor Swift' spattered facial company. I am wondering if there may be a

fuuuuuuck. should have searched for the obvious.

I wonder what some of those actors would think, being used in GIF form as unabashed enthusiasm for extending border enforcement hundreds of miles inland and dividing local law enforcement's attentions between actual police work and stopping POC to check their IDs. Kirsten Dunst probably isn't a big GOP fan.

New Supergroup: Reggie Watts and Karen O. Yeah Yeah Yizwop *Ghostly Android Noise*. Tou heard it first here at the Click Club Hole.

