Wire's Greatest Hits!

And this 'Joe A Blevins'. Is he even real? Rearranging the letters of his name: In Slave Job-> Enslave Job-> Great Job Enslavement. Let us out of your synergy trap, Great Job Internet!

And so it begins. Over a year of watching terrible people announce their candidacy, then hearing about their alternating leading the polls, shitting all over them among friends over forgettable gaffs while being afraid they might have a shot, and then eventually being relieved at each of their eventual

Hello, it's your sons, Jeb Bush and George Bush Jr.

What are these things? Dame Maggie, the Countess? 'Snatch Game'? Ben?

Ah, anglophiles in America. People who want to be interested in another country's cultural output but couldn't be bothered to learn another language.

Same here. I always remember hating this Boggle championship episode, and in general 'Peggy episodes', because of her obnoxious, prideful ignorance. I felt irrationally elated to hear here admit she was the smartest hillbilly in pig town (or whatever it was) because the rest of the time, she just gets away with being

You're right. Authoritarianism is a big qualifier in that statement. And my argument was that regimes with political power bestowed upon a small group of 'ideologically pure' individuals or party institutions will wash out the contributions of those power-holders' non-belief in a god or gods.

25 million! Good thing Suge has stock in Yellow Cab. Those things will never be supplanted.

They hated religion because it was a competing institution that infringed upon their social and cultural hegemony and control over the populace. If you look at any historical, violent backlash against established churches, it comes from a context of churches controlling property, and economic and political influence,

I'll take the Popperist view of things as an Atheist. If a theist could ever give a case in which the existence of a god could be empirically falsified, then I would be open to the theoretical existence of a god. At least most atheists with a firm grasp on reality and science, and ethical science moreso, will accept

But my day job is putting cute lost kittens to sleep. Let me escape in to song damnit!

Gawain isn't the Green Knight, nor was he the one who found the Grail. Is this the reboot version?

Between our quest we fluff on set
And impersonate Clark Gable
It's a busy life in Cumalot
I need a girl who can cram a loooooot

Scare Bud 9: The Skeleton Hound

This is why I would rather see black humor comedies and smaller pictures at home. People circle-jerking it in a dark theater thinking anyone else in there cares whether you are in to the movie or not. Leave the masturbation to the xxx theaters and quiet fapping in the back row, please.

You know he isn't the one to pull you off the mountain and give you some cocoa and a blanket, right? Then he personally bills you for the special fuel in his Sopwith and sends goons over to collect. All things someone should have told me before I planned that trip to the sierras in '09.

I'd say some there are probably billions of less manly earrings sported by cis, femme women all over the world.

Should have been the shot of that Nazi strongman getting gooeyfied by that push rotor bomber. Or Connery scaring those ducks up into that Messerschmitt. Is there a plane/flight related mishap/injury in every Harrison Ford movie?

It's that damned Audubon society, trying to keep the skies for their precious birds.

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