Wire's Greatest Hits!

He's Joe from the Bronx. He's real and his opinions are really real.

Can someone give me a good reason to try Peaky Blinders out again. I watched the first season and was just 'meh' on it. I only watched it to completion for my small crush on Cillian Murphy. The leaning on a certain narrow musical taste and cliche gangster tropes made it feel reaaaaal pathetic in a Boondock Saints kind

I think the show can be pretty humorous at times. Darkly humorous, but still.


Well, none of his comment makes sense. You can't mention 'terrible people' as a negative characteristic of the show and then use that as a reason to unfavorably place the show within the milieu of shows from the past 15 years, in which a common trait of 'prestige dramas' is the use of flawed protagonists/antiheroes.

You were living in peril throughout the 70s and early 80s! How did you manage not to fall in with a disco punk ayatollah cult and end up forever-damned?

Joe from the Bronx, everybody! Let's give this special young man a round of applause for coming all the way down here tonight to share a special little piece of himself.

You heard 'em. Hangover cure #9: a thick fibrous BM.

Mikey, running the alfalfa fields on a farm upstate with all of the other slightly troublesome puppies.

What if that kid grew up to be the next Margaret Thatcher? What then Discharge? What then?

Why yes. Yes it is. Now here are some abstract foam shapes we can fart around with, wrap up in a studio audience's laughter, and blam-o: primetime gold.

With nearly 3,500 punk standards, the playlist comes in at a tight, energetic 47 minutes.

SPOILER: No cute animals were harmed in the making of this film.

'Yesterday was a real 10 litter day. The rain was absolutely interminable.'

Isn't Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte's only novel? Regardless of that novel's position among other English novels, doesn't it take more than one classic to establish an author as the 'ruler' of a nation's canon?

First they came for the Robert Dursts and we said nothing, then they came for the Fred Dursts and we did not object, then they came for the Kirsten Dunsts, but it was too late to stop them.

Jota-Crews, or you can just stop in Texas at Ted Cruz on your way.

Too complicated. I've got my Magnum condom and my wad of 100s. I'm ready to plow.

Secret Meanings Encapsulated by Gallingly Mediocre Acronyms

Bond just has MI6 abduct all of his lovers for clandestine tube-tying. He really thinks it's just easier that way. And I mean come on, it's not like it would be the first time a government imposed forced sterilization on innocent people.