Any “short guys need not apply” signs in windows during the depression?
Any “short guys need not apply” signs in windows during the depression?
Wouldn’t that just make the jokes more well-rounded?
It was just a top-shelf joke they couldn’t quite grasp.
i’m 5'11". It’s a dick thing to say. But I don’t think she should have been fired over it. Cancel culture is getting way out of hand.
It’s interesting that it wouldn’t be considered cancelation/firing-levels of problematic in the West, even you upped the height so it applied to most Western men (i.e. to 6' say instead of 5'9"). People might think it was rude, or shitty, but you wouldn’t get cancelled over it, and you almost certainly wouldn’t get…
A smartass reply...but a funny one!
Exactly. She could have said “What do you call men who are shorter than 170 cm? Friends.” or something similar (as seen on Tinder). Or just say, “I like tall men.” Usually it’s safer and makes you look better to just state positive things (= what you like) than negative (= what you don’t like).
And yet disgusting sentences like that ^ are okay but what she said was over the line. Shitty double standards towards a woman, while theres already very few women in pro-esports.
Short men everywhere will not stand for th...oh, they are standing. Sorry, I couldn’t tell. I thought they were sitting upright. My bad.
Honestly it just sounds like she wanted to say “I want men I date to be taller than 170cm” but used slang to say it. A lot of women are very specific about the man needing to be taller than them so it’s hardly a surprising statement.
Right? I don’t have the context, but I read this as a clearly ironic statement on her romantic preference for taller men. It seems like something you would see on a viral tweet: “[me, aimlessly staring at Bumble profiles] men under 170 cm don’t have human rights”
Is this really worth firing someone for?
Meat prices are really weird right now, even comparing the same products. Smart Chicken brand thighs were 20 cents less than Tyson (who actually owns them) this week, they’re normally a dollar or more higher.
I noticed the brisket thing too, grabbed a couple before they realized what they had done.
sex is not a reward
From a few years back:
The food was terrible, and such small portions
Yes and yes. First, assuming the mother is correct in her assertions and has tried to get her child the help she needs, a diagnosis and an appropriate FAPE situation, everything I saw seems completely believable to the description the mother provides.
Thank you for your explanation. I had not heard the term neurodivergent. I have no experience with this. I jumped on the racism bandwagon because that’s what I’ve become very familiar with especially the last several years. I’ve had far more positive experiences with White people than not. I can see, hear and read so…
This needs more stars. I knee-jerked into full rant mode over some of these ableist comments. You put it much more eloquently! Thank you