Gin and Panic

I’d argue it hasn’t lost any value, as it had no value to begin with. If you pay a dollar for a booger on a tissue, that’s what it’s worth (to you), not it’s value.

This is the sign of a man who grew up having his nanny prepare the same two things for dinner for him every day of his life. If it doesn’t look or taste like what Nanny MoMo made, he doesn’t want it.

Attaching giant kites to ships is some absolute future tech, literally nobody could envision what this might look like, fully realized. Here, I’ve asked a very advanced AI to extrapolate what an image of this might look like in the future.

I run AdBlock and ScricptBlock, and haven’t run into the tweet limit issue once.

It appears to all be client-side; I don’t know if that makes it funnier, sadder, or both.

Pay someone else to do it.

It really is this simple. Don’t like it? Don’t go.

“We’re launching new privacy features that give you more choice over the ads you see,”

Are the lost souls those of cyclists who died?

Donald Trump is the only former president to have a father that was arrested at a KKK rally.

Great, now get Xfinity to remove TCM from it’s $10 “Sports and Entertainment” addon and put it back in the basic cable lineup, where it belongs.

“At first his own ship would not move, then he remembered the sand anchor and yanked it in.

“You could be a janitor anywhere. Why did work at the most prestigious technical research college in the whole f***in’ world? And why did you sneak around at night and flip the breakers on freezers containing two decades’ worth of invaluable cell culture research, and then lie about it? ‘Cause I don’t see a lot of


I think it’s a very important conversation to have; highlighting the gradual move from extreme caution, testing, and expensive risk mitigation to what we have now, basically “hope for the best, what’s the worst that can happen” engineering and production to safe a few bucks. Tesla using real-world drivers as beta

This will be the new “I missed my flight on 9/11.”

Busted power grid just in time for the heat wave.

I want strawberries that taste like strawberry.

I think that’s allowed, as long as you don’t out him as a cis male.

I may have gotten my stupid tech CEO takes mixed up again though.

So pin one NSFW image at the top of the sub, and it’s a legit change, right?

Because I drive cars I buy until they’ve had it, resale doesn’t mean a thing to me. I’m also cheap. That means every car I’ve bought in my lifetime has been dark green; the “rare” color that sits on the lot for years until it’s marked down considerably, because everyone thinks it’s unlucky.