Gin and Panic

To beat a little more on my one dead horse issue; I wish they’d reserve some production for wheelchair conversions. It already sucks paying $80k for a $45k van plus conversion, it would suck more paying $100k for a $45k van plus $20k markup plus conversion.

You never want to know anything about what has happened in any hotel room, from the local no-tell motel to the Waldorf Astoria.

$3500 for 2 hours of use with the external battery brick.

I don’t know the source, but I didn’t want to type it out like the words were mine.  

They don’t make roll-in accessible.

I haven’t looked much at hybrids; they’re the best and worst of both worlds. Specifically, while they’re great for things like extended range, that’s not really a concern for us. I’d still have an engine full of fluids and seals and parts to rust and seize sitting around for weeks or months at a time.

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What keeps me from buying an EV is that there are zero wheelchair accessible options in the US. Otherwise I’d snap one up in an instant.

What if you have a great, active sex life...just no partners?

Or maybe a debt ceiling resolution isn’t the correct forum to make budget decisions? Congressional “conservatives” can propose cutting the budget when congress...sets the budget.

I suppose technically you CAN get $59 fares, but you won’t. At least not if you’re flying out of Chicago.

Well I’m convinced. I’m not voting for Obama for president ever again.

Makes perfect sense.

So, since I seem to have hit a Jersey nerve: my main experiences with New Jersey are Chris Christie, Jersey Shore, and the fact that my coworkers who live in Bedminster basically leave for most of the summer due to the heat and humidity, and never shut up about it.

1. Hard pass. I value health and education too much
2. Possible
3. Possible
4. I’m not living on one of the hurricane buffer islands for Louisiana
5. Texas, no
6. Jersey, no for the politics and the weather
7. Florida, no
8. Possible
9. Possible
10. Possible

Paying people not to work. Once again the bootstrappy American farmer experiences “socialism for me, but not for thee.

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I like beans, from pork and beans to baked beans, but especially:

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Screw the milk lobby.  I’m still waiting for my Baywatch girl like I was promised.