Gin and Panic

“300 miles of range” is the total distance the Maserati will travel before it breaks down irreparably.

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Modern match Game was doomed because the original was a product of the times. back in the day there were thing you just didn’t say on TV or acknowledge at all. It was funny when the prompts were ribald and suggestive, and the audience would titter about what they all were thinking but couldn’t say.

They’re as “good” as McDonald’s’ patties. Probably pumped out of the same mass processing plant.

It’s pretty simple; you can’t advertise something for sale at a price that you don’t intend to actually sell at that price or under terms not mentioned in the ad. A grocery store can’t advertise $1/gallon milk, but refuse to sell it to you at that price unless you also buy $10 worth of cottage cheese after you walk

Easier: some chopped onions, the cheapest sandwich roll you can find, and these:

I’m having a hard time distinguishing this list from the “Biggest Suckers on BaT” slideshow.

This news has left me feeling a little verkempt.  Coffee Talk was like buttah.  

I cringe every time I see morning glory suggested as an “easy to grow” plant. most varieties are incredibly invasive, grow extremely fast, and put down roots/rhizomes wherever the vine touches the ground that can travel for yards. It has a twining growth habit and will strangle other plants and many varieties are

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Your list is short one Bitchin’ Camaro.

It has to be more complex than just a bot gone rogue. Azitcross got a copyright strike and video removed (his second, which means a two-week posting ban) for simply him reading through the TWAB (this week at bungie) newsletter. No music, no gameplay, nothing.

Start ticketing drivers who are breaking the law while waiting in line. Have a uniformed traffic officer with a ticket book working the line as soon as it starts blocking the sidewalk, and have them work their way back, then watch the problem disappear.

The introduction of atmosphere packaging (sealing meat in plastic containers filled with carbon dioxide, nitrogen and a tiny amount of carbon monoxide(!)) means you shouldn’t just use your eyes to judge freshness.

Another article where pictures would be very helpful, even required.

At least the sources have pictures this time; skip the read and go straight to the links.

Also note that Hardy Hybiscus (rose of sharon) are listed as an invasive species.  

Can we stop reporting West Coast gas prices like they’re the national average. It’s already known that West Coast refineries are not operating at capacity, which is why there is such a regional price difference.

“Yes, Nikita. Yes, we do want the sports to be a space for political debate.”

If he were white, the judge would have overruled the sentence and let him go because “boys will be boys.”

The answer is in the subheading.

Exactly as intended.  

People: Gas at the BP down the street is as high as it has ever been!
Crude prices: not near record highs, and just now approaching the sustained highs from the 2010s.

Apparently there’s a non-invasive variety (Pachysandra procumbens) aka Allegheny Spurge. It is native to woodlands from North Carolina and Kentucky south to Florida and Texas, YMMV anywhere else. It doesn’t look as niche as the Japanese variety.