Gin and Panic

Lest we forget the OG of Sesame Street, Roosevelt Franklin. He might have been purple, but he was black.

Then he’ll have no problem with the Sherriff’s office releasing all his complaint records as proof.  

Re Kylie asking for money instead of paying the bills herself: Rich people suck up all the money, poor people have their money sucked away from them. To quote Bill Gates in the Simpsons:

I believe they bought surplus police cars at auction for like $400 each, this main crash scene included 60 cars, just over 100 were destroyed in the whole movie. Add some more to prep them for stunts, like reinforcing.

Pierce County Sheriff: “Reporting suspicious black male, no reason yet to believe he’s not violent, I feel threatened.”

The Stranger, once Seattle’s greatest newspaper, did an excellent feature on the phenomenon almost 20 years ago called “The Urban Archipelago.” It’s only gotten more prescient over the years, even as some of the information becomes dated.

Much like their GUI and everything else, Apple “borrowed” their investment strategies from Bill Gates.

  • Did Fraiser make Friends look Black, or vice-versa. There’s no way to tell.

Are you assuming the gender of...a potato?  

Interesting consecutive Jalop stories that add up to more bad news on Workhorse’s Lordstown stake.

Interesting consecutive Jalop stories that add up to more bad news on Workhorse’s Lordstown stake.

Trust me.

customers are spending more money per order than they were previously

Chris Farley. He was depressed and in a spiral, but it wasn’t explicitly suicide and the circumstances were just terrible. What a dichotomy to be one of the funniest people who ever lived, but to not be able to enjoy it because, as he said, he felt like people were only laughing because it was just  “fatty fall down

Our pillow. Sounds good and bleeding heart liberal/communist.