For all practical purposes, this Destiny season ended for me about three weeks ago, when I upgraded all the bunkers and reached level 100.
For all practical purposes, this Destiny season ended for me about three weeks ago, when I upgraded all the bunkers and reached level 100.
Hooray, another opportunity to not use him in clutch situations.
There’s no doubt Sanders supporters are the most enthusiastic. However, I’m less focused on an enthusiasm gap than I am a “total vote count” gap. Sanders fans could be sacrificing goats to him in the street, there just aren’t enough of them.
See that’s what makes Warren un-electable. She’s totally alienating the cat/hamburger demographic by pushing her shrill dog/burrito platform.
I’m guilty myself. A while ago my daughters and I were listening to Mariah Carey’s ‘Honey’ in the car and my oldest said, “She should do her own thing and not try to copy Ariana Grande’s sound.”
I almost drove over the side of a bridge. A musical education was apparently way overdue.
At last, Bernie Supporters will have “someone outside the establishment” to cast their protest votes for.
“If you LFG your way into a fireteam with a cheater, get out and report them,” wrote Aldridge. “If you ride them to a flawless, the Banhammer will come for you as well.”
People today would be in the streets with signs that read “WWII is a lie” or “Supporting the troops is communism” or “Grunts don’t need steak, I need steak!” We’d also have Facebook groups for “Extreme rationing coupon tips” on how to get more than you deserve so you could brag to your friends how you tricked the…
Apparently Coronavirus is simultaneously so deadly we can’t let in ANY immigrants, but at the same time being so benign we can re-open SuperCuts and Cracker Barrel.