
Maybe an article on Antisemitism in the BLM?

Great reporting....


Yeah people didn’t quite understand what I said. I think they did a good thing. I am not angry. I was more shocked that people in the comment section thought they could help out charities by giving them wedding leftovers. Wedding leftovers are not going to help us. We need $. Anything other than $ will be of little or

I don’t know best. If somebody was able to set up a system where giving out leftovers is cost effective we would be the first on it. We generally don’t have too much leftovers or exp food so we aren’t making too much waste.

It leads to fights... We used to take cafeteria leftovers/exp food to skid row and when we ran out there was the potential for me or kitchen member to get hurt. We saw fights over boxes of graham crackers.

A lot of people commented that they hoped to donate their leftovers/flowers to a charity. I commented that a small $ donation would help us out much more. Most of the flowers and all of our food donations go straight in the trash the second they leave. If they just mailed us the gas money we would better off.

Thanks. I was confusing and didn't get my point across well enough.

I was thinking the same thing.

You are in that rare niche where you could do quite well off of in kind charity. I think you still need a true MSDS for bleach, but you likely don’t go through a state inspection twice a week. I figured the blankets were for humans and there might be bed bug/record issue. No worries if they are for dogs.

Glad we now see eye to eye.

I have to go. Literally, child is done with youth group and needs a ride.

If their lives depended on you making the correct decision. Less than 1000 or more than 1000.

Mean spirited?

I didn’t mean to call you an ignorant jerk. I thought you called me an ignorant jerk.

Come on. Knowing what little we do know we can make an educated guess. You are honestly not going to say at least 1000? We can make an educated guess. A lot of what we say is based on an educated guess.

I thought you called me an ignorant jerk so I posted it as a why are you calling me an ignorant jerk, there is no need for that.

If you had to guess would you say at least 1000?

First thing to come up after all the wedding stories. When typed in “Cost to feed a Syrian refugee a day”