
Just some quick thoughts:

Sarah you are very funny, but you’re wrong. WRONG!

After the game, a reporter asked Rosario about his family filming the moment.

As an owner, I can say this: “The BRZ isn’t the sports car you want, it’s the sports car you deserve.” I use it for track days and am not sure I really want 300-400hp in a car before I really know what I’m doing. On the street, that extra power would be useless anyway. I’ll take the 30+mpg in a great handling car

I’m not even surprised to find out that the voice of reason and calm in all this comes from the Crips and Bloods and not law enforcement or politicians, who are the actual gangs and thugs.

I know that people who didn’t grow up around gangs may not fully understand this, but this is huge. There are parts of big cities where people haven’t left their street in years for fear of being shot by a rival gang. These guys are now walking down the streets together, arm in arm, for peace.
I called bullshit on the

This is why I will not hear a bad word about Vin Diesel. There is nothing I have ever seen or heard about him that contradicts that he is just a plain awesome person.

Vin has his D&D character’s name, “Melkor” tattooed on him. He is THE nerd of Hollywood.

This is a real fucking nerd. He doesn’t need to brag about it. He doesn’t throw it in people’s faces. He isn’t ashamed of it either. He’s Fucking. Bad. Ass.

Vin Diesel is a real nerd. That is, he's such a nerd that he never felt like he needed to publicly identify as such to make himself seem more relatable.

How many cops does it take to change a light bulb?

If one of us did that, WE’D BE IN FUCKING PRISON.

I have long suffered with mental illness, but, I recently started getting seizures. They started after a concussion. I received test after test, and they came back negative. I stayed weeks in various hospitals.

Maybe everything isn't all about you.

Right? People need to understand we're the only thing that matters in the universe.

Personally, I find number 12 to be the way in which we can save the Solar System.

Well you people have had years to run fiber to my apartment in Manhattan which is FEET away from an internet backbone (the building google bought to be exact).

All are entitled to their own opinions, and funny is purely objective, but... you are literally the first person I have ever encountered who read the comic and didn't enjoy it.

Wait... Why aren't the commonly used ports integrated into the power brick? That would seem like a stronger design choice to me.

You're right, she should have turned into a giant set of ovaries and done...ovary stuff. If you're going to be so closed-minded about how you process symbolism, I don't think you'd see any poetic justice in her using male symbols to destroy men, or the basic, cinematic majesty in turning into a dragon and setting