That was an amazing humble brag. lol.
That was an amazing humble brag. lol.
Please name these scientists who have disproven that people have control over their impulses and please inform the medical community that an inability to control one's impulses should no longer be treated as psychological disorders (as they currently are).
I shudder to think what you may have done in your life that you've just shrugged off with this bullshit quasi-nihilist way of thinking.
I take the science position which says we are a big cluster of molecules and therefore we can't really choose anything we do.
Uh well I guess it's good the criminal justice system doesn't agree with you? Plus I'd like to see you run that by a group of rape victims. I think they would most likely tell you that the reason their rapes occurred is because another individual made the decision to rape. Not bad luck on the part of the rapist.
"fate made him act like shit." Listen, troll, I hope you're as generous with me when I punch you right in the fucking golf ball that encases the garbage that you call your brain. It will be Fate acting through me.
Okay I'll bite.
I know, but similar eras and all. Cosby's comedy is still boring and bland as shit. Jim Gaffigan does the family friendly schtick a lot better.
Interesting choice. No one remembers that Spike sexually-assaulted Buffy, too.
... I just push the A button. Seems easier that way.
this is absurd. If they wanted to be realistic, they'd have the politician responding to the girl's text with a dick pic.
You know what? I was going to ignore your bullshit trolly comments, but fuck that. You are full of shit. First of all, I went back and counted what was at least 3 white men, and possibly more, but I can't quite tell since their faces are blurred out. And also, on a personal note, the day I was groped, yes, by a black…
If you have to start a sentence with "this is going to sound racist, BUT" just don't finish whatever it is you're thinking, k?
It sounds racist because it is racist. Men of all backgrounds do this, don't kid yourself otherwise.
And then there's the Barbie/Breaking Bad crossover, where Barbie says "Meth is hard." You know, 'cause of the chemistry and whatnot.
My only criticism is that this article wasn't about the coding language.
Over the weekend, a game developer in Boston named Brianna Wu fled her home after an online stalker vowed to rape…
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