

There, there. There's no such things as a 2.

Firstly, I didn't know Enkidum was a multitude, nor that his multiple personalities had different thoughts on buzzfeed.

FUN FACT! My first email account back in ol' double-aught was named after furious george.

I agree, but I think the big thing there was the time period and setting. Victorian moors = money. Moors in general are creepy. What I'm basically saying is this movie would have been better if it took place on a moor somewhere northwest of Birmingham.

"Lik dis buk if u cry evry tim"

Is there anyway I can get a free joint without having been in any of the Transformers movies?

Spike Lee is handing out joints!?….Do I have to be black to get one?

#2 is a real life trope too though, but I guess it could be life imitating art. Plenty of women/girls will go to great lengths to tell you that they're "not your average woman" because they know how to fix the timing belt on that '70 Chevelle. Or because they know what icing is and that Teemu Selanne holds the

Futurama had the best lamp-shade of that trope of all time. OF ALL TIME.

They could do a Three Stooges style comedy about Italy trying to invade Egypt.

Right, exactly. Stalingrad was pointless. Millions died for no point at all. It wasn't a turning point any more than it was a monumentally stupid way to waste an entire army. Now the fact that Leningrad held out for as long as it did IS an actual turning point because if Leningrad and Moscow had fallen the Soviets

Zhukov is one of my favorite generals in the war, but in this case I feel he's making shit up. The entire force of Army group South was in play around Kiev, and while they hadn't yet completed their pincer move, the Soviets really only had wave after wave of their own men to throw at them to stop the advance, not to

You're also lazy!

I want to know where I need to apply to become the adultery scandal chief.

Yes, you're (somewhat, seriously many of the troops fighting the native populace were southern too, it takes a nation to make manifest destiny happen) right that Northerners are smug and hypocritical when it comes to race relations. And yet…we don't actively celebrate our racist past. Y'all do. Stop it, and maybe

Meh, 99.99% pure gold isn't the type of stuff that falls out one's ass. I'm pretty sure they'd keep both the fiddle and Johnny just under the basic principle of "Someone must have done something wrong here." Hell these days they'd probably claim he was being paid by some terrorist front and throw his ass in

Hyper -pure electronics grade gold actually. The kind that if you try to sell, the FBI will be on your ass in no time flat. The devil is a douche.

I still think Ray Liotta would be good in a werewolf movie.

Straining and straining in the shrinking canal
The synapses cannot hear the synapser;
Things fall apart; the heart cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the brain,
The blood-dimmed tide is stopped, and everywhere
The ceremony of indulgence is victorious;
The best lack all sapidity, while the worst
Are full of passionate